ugggggggggggggggghhh. one thing that i can't stand is not being able to figure things out. especially when it's pretty inconsequential work... i'm a perfectionist in disguise. asdiofjopaiai ughhhhh.
normally rainy days make me sad, but today i'm in such a good mood
this weekend was really nice. coheed was great pretty in pink is classic cheesecake factory is delicious julius caesar is classic too and lazing about able to read whatever i want is amazing
i think a bubble bath sounds magnificent. so does a 3 day week :)
TreeHuggR412: i really like u. i mean as a person. i think u are possibly my idol so chelsea really makes my day.
umm. congrats to maddie for being able to drive. so sweet. ............................... and the entry got boring. so i've decided to just go with... i wish i could go to atp. that would be so choice. especially sunday <33
avaatorr (9:36:02 PM): I dont want to go to school tomorrow redmarkercap (9:37:06 PM): i know the feeling redmarkercap (9:37:22 PM): i'll make the week go by faster avaatorr (9:37:33 PM): yes!
maybe that helps. eh whatever, it's big writing, it doesn't have to help.
Mom: "hey isn't that the group with the lady who does the weird stuff with her voice? the cherries? the raspberries?" Me: "the cranberries, mom. the cranberries." Mom: "oh i was close. it's all fruit in the end."