Okay, so yesterday I realized that it had been a REALLY long time since I've updated my lj. I wake up every morning and almost religiously read my friends' page, and sometimes more during the day, but I find it hard to update.
The wedding planning is going very well. We only have 4.5 months left. I'm getting very excited!!! This weekend, we registered at Target, and picked out our rings. We'll register at a couple more places next weekend, but there was no way that we could handle doing more than one in a day. We were both exhausted. I also made mom pick out her dress this weekend. She was planning on waiting until 3 weeks before to do it. I got a little bitchy with her and told her that since every one else was waiting on her, she had a week left to get it. She decided on one, and said she'd buy it next weekend. I emailed pics to the other two mothers, and minutes after I did that, she called and said she was changing her mind to the less classy looking one. I was very upset, partly because I had already emailed pics, and partly because the style of the other one wouldn't look right with the style the others would want. I think I've finally talked her into staying with the pink one. I guess I won't know until this weekend when I call to make sure she ordered it. I also went to a cake tasting last weekend. That was a lot of fun. I really loved the cake. We have another tasting this weekend, and I hope its just as good, the other place was pretty expensive. We have a meeting with the organist on Friday. That should be interesting. When she calls, she makes sure that we know her name is "Dr. Owens". It reminds me of my insane English teacher in HS who insisted we call her Dr. We have our first premarital counseling appointment tomorrow. I'm not really sure what to expect, but we'll see how it goes. Its a requirement for the place we want to get married in. We also have a wedding webpage on the knot! That's a lot of fun too!More wedding updates soon!
School is going okay. Last week, I was barely there because I got sick. I felt sicker than I have ever been in my entire life! I even lost 4 pounds because I couldn't eat anything for three days. It wasn't that I couldn't hold it down, I just didn't feel like it. The kids have been pretty good. My rough girl is now out again for her second 10 day suspension in a month. The principal had to call in the school cop during the meeting because the girl tried to attack her mother. She really has some anger issues. Times like that make me wonder what I would ever do if she ever tried to do something to me. Thankfully, she never has. She talks back, and I put her in her place, then kick her out of class. On Friday, a boy came to me and told me about a fight that was going to happen at his cousin's bus stop. He also told me that the other kid was going to bring a gun. I sent him to the cop even though he didn't want to go. (He thought he has it all figured out. They were going to get off at a different stop.) The cop went to the bus stop in case anything happened. All weekend, I've been wondering if I helped to save a boy's life. I keep wondering what would have happened if he never would have felt comfortable enough to tell me about that.
My classes are going well. I'm really enjoying my computer science class. Even though I'm getting lost, and it is really hard, I'm finding it a lot of fun. My linear algebra class is another story. That class is VERY hard, I can't understand the teacher, and I rarely know what I'm doing. I hope I can get through it with a C. She even said that the avg score on her last test was 75 and the reason it was so high was because she accidentally made a couple of easier problems on the test. Makes me think she wants us to fail.
Well, that's about it for now. I'll really try to be a lot better with updating!