Fake-mod here again. The power could go to my head!
First -
elixer_depp Second -
sindel77 AND
stumbelina (memememe!)
Third -
redwolfoz Muse -
eurothrashed So they you go... congratulations to us all.
Now we come to the controversial part of the proceedings. The lyric for the next challenge is:
I'm softer than my face would suggest and at times like these I'm at my lowest ebb...
Controversial how? Well not only is it my own lyric (power, meet head), but I can't for the life of me remember what song it is from. It has been stuck in my head for weeks... I hear a girl singing it in a Scottish accent. I may just be going crazy. This is my plea to you all to help me get it out... or gather some pretties while trying.
ETA: update - The song is 'Happy New Year' by Camera Obscura. Panic over, and stumble bowing out...