Okay, this week's turnout wasn't as good as last weeks, but we had some really spectacular icons, so without further ado:
The winners. We had one standout icon, with more than twice the votes of any other icon in the competition, and a three-way tie for second, which is pretty damn funny if you think about it too long. Here they are:
First -
onigiri42 Second -
sindel77 and
crimsonhue and
stumbelina Third -
supes_ Muse -
redwolfoz Does anyone else find it odd that more than half the awards so far have been won by people whose LJ names begin with "s"? We must fix this. Denizens of the other twenty-five letters of the alphabet, unite!
((I don't want this to be over) (You're what I do)) from Kristin Hersh's song "37 Hours". You can expand you're to you are, if you feel the need.
As always, submit your icon and song lyric in a comment to this post, and as of this competition, you may not use your icon from this competition anywhere else until the competition is over, even if the other venue is also anonymous.
And remember, we're trying to prevent Stumble and I from winning.
ETA: Guess who should not have been allowed to watch the Tony awards