I started using a new medication two weeks ago, while still wrestling with this up and down migraine thing. This should've been fine, but then it started giving me the most annoying side effect ever known to man, which for me is night sweats. I found a lot of comments on sites saying how low the side effects are and, "All I got were some night sweats!" As if this were a good thing.
This is the worst thing EVER to me, because temperature while sleeping and random hot flashes are the grosses thing. I wake up and feel freaked out and panicked, then I have to go change my pajamas. And ew. Because ew. Did I mention EW.
So I quit the medication, but not before I had the Week What Sleep Forgot. I basically never slept for more than 2 hours, that I can tell, so by the time I got to the hotel on Friday I was melting. My roommates/co-vendors were super awesome about helping when my slow sleepy brain wasn't functioning, and I am incredibly grateful for that. After quitting the medication, I slept for 16 hours, then the next day, another 13. I'm slowly catching up, but my schedule is all upside down.
It's rare that I get so tired out that I simply can't even cope with the world. I mean, I get tired, and then I have to lay there a while and doze and read and eventually nod off. The last five days have been far more like being run over by a stampede on my way to sleep. If I'm very lucky, I make it to bed. If I'm not, I wake up in my chair. With an effed up neck. Bleh.
Anyway, speaking of which, I hear the sound of hooves. Time to go do more sleeping and catch up.