Joy Ride!

Nov 12, 2009 21:12



I was kind of sad that by the time I came home yesterday which is like 11 plus in the night, the tickets left are really pathetic. So depressing. I thought I would have the chance to see Karen O and her crazy antics. But I was too tired to be sad, so I didn't really mop about it actually.

This morning, I don't know why but I suddenly thought of buying band tee shirts. I remembered Linisha, KY and I spent like almost 2 hours in HMV because Linisha wanted to buy band tees and we're sort of like discovering new music there. And I wanted to buy The Killers tee but the price wasn't like worth it. And this morning, I thought maybe I should have buy. Stupid I know. Always the same routine. I think this randomness is due to Hana's tumblr where she had one of their songs in her playlist. And then I was wondering if there's any chance they would be coming to Singapore. I didn't really give it much thought, because past experiences has taught me better.

And just a few moments ago, I came to my laptop and saw Linisha tweeted: "Ok. Fuck you muse. Im going for the killers." I swear my eyes grew larger than when I read that YYYs were coming down.

So come January 24 next year, hello Mr. Flowers (also MGG's friend :D). I read somewhere that Mr. Brightside was written with Matthew Gubler as the antagonist, where Gubler was rumored to be dating "Jenny", Brandon Flower's ex. Sound like I'm reporting some tabloids or something.

I remembered the days when I was in Secondary 2, Hajar and I sat beside each other and hum/sing The Killers tunes. We didn't really know who else listened to them then. I remembered telling her that my favourite track on their debut album was On Top, in which she told me later it was her sister's favourite track as well. Those were the days.

I love my life. I feel recently that I have been living my life to the best. My girlfriends are there for me, when school's unbearable with those projects and impossibly tough quizzes and incredibly large amount of detailed information to memorise. So far, iG has been good, though I'm gonna be so busy in the future, but I love the busily of activites in my life. My parents are alright, since they're after all parents. Everything's peaceful and in the right position.

There's only one thing I'm still trying to amend, which is my tempermental behaviour. I realised something about myself is that I don't really understand my behaviour towards other people at times. I know I can be cheeky and try to be funny, and all of the sudden, I can be silent with a straight stern face. I don't know it that well myself too.  Sometimes all the craziness energy just suddenly drop down. I think I shouldn't be too high because if my face becomes straight and not being crazy, people thinks there's something wrong. Usually when I'm annoyed with someone, I just keep quiet and my face no matter what will just stay the same straight face. In the past (and even until now, some thick people), people don't get it when I don't want to be messed with and they just happily continue, which have made me determined to prevent it from happening. Those who get it fast should be thankful. Because for those who don't, they'll see the full-blown version, which so far those who have experienced, I don't give a fuck about them anymore. And when people start asking what happened, I don't know what to verbally tell them. Common excuse, "Oh, I'm tired." and continue stoning. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking or verbally express myself, I'll just stone there. I'm still figuring out this part of myself. I'm sure one day, this odd behaviour will leave for the better. I just need to understand why I behave this way and then I can amend it.
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