I hope you can manage to convince the manager to allow you to continue using the gym. It seems that you always end up getting kicked out in place of the other sports. You know why? People don't have enough respect for guard. The reason for this is simple- guard is not widely televised. I blame this on mass media. If there were a "flag bowl" or something then people would be more interested, and would give more credit to those on guard. Wouldn't it be awesome to watch a bunch of guys sitting around a TV yelling and screaming and cheering for a guard competition? "....OOH YEAH!! and she caught the toss! now it's 78 - 69 on the judges scoreboards!...." All the guys jump off their couches and cheer for their favorite guard. Wow. Wouldn't the world be a better place? This rant is amazing. I'm done now.
That was awesome! I would pay money to see the guys jumping up and spilling popcorn all over the place. That would rock. I've heard people talk about how we need commentary for shows. LOL
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