The bulk of this will be under cut. Just cause it is kind of long!
Yeah. I've been thinking lately. A lot actually. It's maddening. Lol.
So part of this note is inspired by a movie, part by a kid whose life was cut rather short.
I've been thinking about how Marc didn't even get to graduate high school. Didn't even get to go to college. How is that fair? I can't answer that. Nobody can answer that. We just have to believe that he's in a better place now. A ski trip that ended not in the way it was supposed to. Many prayers are headed their way, and hopefully they'll feel some comfort with all the love that's surrounds them in this difficult time.
This, and the movie, "The Bucket List", have got me thinking about things I'd like to do.
And instead of stuff I want to do before I die, this is all stuff I want to do within 2008. I mean, it does kind of have to do with stuff I do before I die, because we never know how long we're here for. Sadly, Marc and this whole tragedy remind us of that fact.
So, here is my to do list for 2008. Some of it can be quantified, some can not. If I don't get it done, well, maybe next year. But I'd really like to get it all done. I may add through the year, but I can't remove anything. Once it's on here, it's on here.
And now, with out any further ado...
1. Go skydiving.
2. Stop being so critical of myself.
3. Stop saying sorry for things I shouldn't be sorry for. This mainly has to do for when I get embarrassed about saying what's really on my mind.
4. Read at least one book a month. (non-school related)
5. Visit a different country.
6. Stop being so self conscious.
7. Be happy with how I look. I am beautiful, no matter what brain-washing I've had thrown at me for ever and ever.
9. Become more organized.
10. Spend more time with friends that I very rarely get to see.
11. Watch a sunset with the only distraction being snuggling with someone or no distraction at all.
12. Ask questions.
13. Do at least one thing each day that takes me a smidge out of my comfort zone.
14. Stop making excuses for not going to the gym.
15. Start going to the gym again.
16. Put in my application for Phoenix Police Department.
17. Put in an application for Phoenix Fire Department.
18. Start getting my package for NIS together.
19. Try to decide if I'm going to go to grad school.
20. Train for the PF Changs Half Marathon (to be completed in 2009).
21. Get my motorcycle endorsement.
22. Get my amateur radio license.
23. Take the 2 am to 7 am shift at Field Day.
24. Re-cert my first responder and my CPR.
25. Look into EMT Certifications.
26. Get at least 2 A's Spring Semester.
27. Don't sweat the small stuff. Worrying only makes you look older.
28. Realize that I am young, and that it is perfectly okay to be so.
29. Talk my way out of a speeding ticket.
30. Start restoring the Jeep.
31. Dance like nobody's watching, though I'm sure lots are.
32. Take chances.
33. Go with my gut, it's usually right.
34. Stop over-analyzing. This is also making me old.
35. Embrace the short. And the curves.
36. Stick to my budget that I made for the year.
37. Wonder at the small wonders of life.
38. Order something that Billy Mays endorses.
39. Be happy with my life. It really is pretty amazing.
40. Like the sunset, watch a sunrise the same way.
41. Spoil the shit out my my new "niece" that will arrive in April!!! :)
42. Get another tattoo.
43. Solve a NY Times crossword puzzle.
44. Kiss/be kissed in the rain.
45. Dance in the rain.
46. Watch a basketball game and actually understand what's going on.
47. Save up for travel to Europe.
48. Strive to be as funny as my father.
49. Ride a mechanical bull. Hell, even a real bull. lol
50. Have a beer in Mexico...okay, maybe a margarita...we all know how I hate beer.
51. Submit a secret to PostSecret. (completed 15 January 2008)(first one completed!!!)
52. Go on an actual date on Valentine's Day. (not completed)
53. Start learning Japanese (more than my one or two catchphrases).
54. Start playing my drums again. May or may not add trumpet back to this list.
55. Go to a concert.
That is all for now. Will put more on later? lol.
I think everyone should do this. It makes you think. :)