Day One
-I really committed to the idea that I'm not fat. It feels good to be "average."
-I spent most of the day just relaxing and reflecting on everything. Sometimes that isn't fun, and after about the 5th hour of being alone, it started to get boring, but I didn't get anything figured out, but it was nice.
-Found out that we'll be going to San Diego this weekend. :)
Good first day I think.
Day Two
-Answered all questions directed at me (I was the only one answering questions) in my math class.
-Was rather entertained when someone stole our trash container that we put out on the street. who does that, honestly? (was really hilarious though)
-Got to hang out and see a boy whom I care for a lot
Day Three
-Got math homework done before it was due (something new and different for me!)
-Figured out that I will be putting in my application for the Phoenix Police Department soon. (as a recruit since I need to be 21 before I can start the academy).
-Signed up to do
Pat's Run on Saturday. It will help for my heighhosilver challenge!
good days!
Day Four
-Work didn't go as terribly as I thought it would.
-Got to spend time with my sister in the morning, and that is always fun.
-Went to the gym.
-Got to spend some time with a certain fellow again. :)
Day Five
-I watched "Garden State" again this morning. That always makes me happy.
-I fixed the printer at work today.
-I was a mini-director at fencing tonight.
-I've got this awesome semi-floaty/dizzy (but not terrible, hence why its awesome) feeling from this awesome pain-killer I took.
-Last night's episode of South Park is on again, and it was just plain hilarious.
-I picked up my stuff for Pat's Run on Saturday. I'm pretty darn excited.
*edit* Since my day is not over, I can add this one on that just happened. My mom knows that my grade in my justice studies class is failing. I feel that since they're paying for the college edu-ma-cay-shun they have a fair right to know that I'm terrible at it. she took it well, and I'm glad that she did. It just took A TON of anxiety off of me. THANK GOD.
Day Six
-not sure if I did anything positive on Friday, but I really can't remember. I think I got to stay home and watch more "Army Wives" with my sister, which made us both happy.
Day Seven
-Walked in Pat's Run supporting the Pat Tillman Foundation!
-Went estate sale-ing and antiquing with my mum and sister! Much fun!
-Got to see a really good friend's band play at Zia Records for the compilation CD release, for which they were featured. Got a really good response from everyone at the store.
-Went to a bar to watch my dad's band play. It was pretty fun, even though I got kicked out at 10 since I'm not old enough to drink.
-Took about an hour long shower because my entire body hurt!!! Only reason I got out of it was because I ran out of hot water.
Day Eight
-I got a decent amount of math homework done. I hope I can save it.
-Spent some good time with the family.
-Watched "Juno" with the fam. I loved it.
(Also...on my day 6 post. I finally came up with something that had been blaring at my face that I should have thought of. Someone called me when he got home from work. Its really nice just to hear his voice sometimes. Like how it cheered me up after my crazy long day yesterday.)
Day Nine
-Watched more tv with the sister.
-was called beautiful by someone who isn't in my family, whom I care about a lot.
-got my paper done before 11pm. now we'll see how bad the grade will be.
-off to contemplate what the hell happened, and try to figure out if I did something wrong within a friendship. sometimes, I look forward to a good cry. it feels good.
Day Ten
-Had my last Police Function class. Bittersweet. I loved that class, and it affirmed what I want to do with my life.
Day Eleven
-Went to my math class and found out that I can save the grade. Thank you God.
-Did a nice thing and washed (almost everyone's) the family cars.
Day Twelve
-Slept in for a bit. Felt nice.
-Skipped fencing to do sushi with the family. My mom's so cute when experiencing new things (she's never been to a sushi place or had sushi before).
-Went and hung out with the boys. Sometimes that's just fun in itself.
-Stole a kiss in the drive thru at Taco Bell.
-And even though somebody was falling asleep, it was nice to see him, and know that he didn't want me to go.
Day Thirteen
-Had some awesome pizza for dinner. haha.
-Got stuff done for our trip to San Diego. I'm supposed to wake up in 2 hours. Oops.
(So I've missed almost two weeks. So I'll just start whereI left of. haha.)
Day Fourteen
-actually woke up and went to the gym and worked out.
-made nice-ies with the gal at the front entrance.
-kicked back with the boys at the farm and had a energy drink with them (instead of the beer I was originally offered, hey! I can't drink and drive now!!).