[THREAD] It's as if Earth no longer existed ...

Nov 12, 2008 21:22

Characters: Jonathan Strange (ou), OPEN
Where: The park by the pond
When: Mid-day, although thanks to Strange's curse, it's darkest night in the ten feet surrounding him
Summary: Strange attempts some spells wit hout much luck
Warnings: Possible magic?

The problem, Strange concluded, must be with the water. Because there was surely no way the problem was with the magician’s skills
He was standing in the park in front of the pond, his coat and hat lieing on the grass next to him. He glared at the water for not obeying him, but the water didn't reply other than reflect the sparkling stars above.
It was one of the most simple spells ever, Bellasis’s Incantation for the Revelation of the Hidden. You took a body of water, one of which Strange had found in the local park, and you enchanted it to reveal something that you could not see. Whether you had lost your favorite waistcoat, or if you longed to see a relative in Edinburgh, the spell could reveal anything that was beyond the reach of human eyes.
He had cast the spell hundreds of times using water in a small dish, for friends and for the Duke of Wellington. That was actually harder because there was less water to work with.
So why wasn’t it working now.
Strange decided to give it another try. With a flourish of his write, blue fire sprang out along the lake, marking it into four equal quadrants representing Earth, Heaven, Hell and Faery. He then marked the quadrant he wished to make something reveal in, Earth. He then spoke aloud what he wanted to reveal.
“John Segundis, Yorkshire.”
At this point, the image of the nervous John Segundis should’ve appeared across the entire lake. Instead, the blue fire simply shimmered out of existence, as it would if John Segundis had ceased to exist, or if he was nowhere on Earth.
But Strange had cast the spell nine times now. Where else could his friend possibly be.

[hellboy] johann krauss, [jonathan strange] jonathan strange, [pushing daisies] ned, *open

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