Characters: AU!Arucard, OU!Father Alexander Anderson
When: 5 minutes after the challenge laid down in
this post.
Where: Outside
Summery: Arucard has challenged Anderson to a fight....and of course Anderson accepts.
Warnings: Sarcasm and a TON of violence, oh...and cuffing.
Arucard smirked as she walked through the wall of Dor building, wearing her usual garb, her dark hair was pulled up under the floppy red fedora and she was wearing her usual charcoal suit and red coat. Her yellow tinted sunglasses were covering her blood red eyes. The clothes were what Father Anderson would recognize, but they were all cut slightly different, they accented the fact that she was indeed, a woman.
She had yet to see Anderson, but she was glad that he was here. This place would be less boring now that she could torment the priest.