Title: Memories
Fandom: FMA
Pairing: Royai
Warnings: Chapter 59 spoilers
Summary: It was at that moment that she became Hawkeye rather than Riza. He's lost all familiarity with her.
Sometimes at night while she's asleep under him, he likes to remember of the brief moments that led to this. Of course, before when he was allowed to use affection when he called her Riza. He'd miss the times where she would act like a woman around him.
Sometimes while he's feeling nostalgic, he'll run his lips across the tattoo on her back. He can feel his old teacher's power pouring from her. She's very firm underneath him. Tonight, she shifts so that his form pours over her shoulder, rather than her whole back. Yet, enough to support him.
He smirks. Even in her sleep, she is a pillar supporting him. She moans, he knows that she wants to flip over. He groggily gets up and allows her to flip over. Her hair moves with her as her body arches forward to accomidate Roy. She subconcouisly guides Roy's head to her chest. She grunts something - her lips part. He is too tired from sex to kiss her. Her fingers absent mindedly pet him as if he were Black Hayate.
"Hawkeye?" He asks formally, even in bed, he feels that he needs to call her that.
"Yes sir?" She replied from her haze. Did she wake up just for him?
"When did we reach this stage?" He inquires, playing with her belly button.
He feels a ripple across it, he knows that she's formulating her response. "... it's too late to go back there."
He feels her grasp his hair; he kisses the top of her clavicle. She turns over on her side, the mark of his alchemy adorning her back. He then remembers, tt was at that moment that she became Hawkeye rather than Riza. He's lost all familiarity with her.