> Observation Log

Feb 16, 2012 00:11

Week 80: Giant Spiders
(John) introduced. The average IQ of the subjects drops yet again.

Week 81: Emotion-Triggered Bombs
(John + pretty much everyone) all proved themselves not to be able to control themselves even with knowledge that if they lose control of their emotions they would be punished severely. Suggest B100 vitamins in water supply to help bring these to be more controlled of themselves.

Week 82: Genderswap
While (John) finally awakens more concerned about date then his sudden change.

Week 83: Off Week
(Jade) appearing to have courtship difficulties with (John). Unsurprising considering her participation in a massive orgy organized by (Nepeta).

Week 84: [Facility 3] Abyss
Who the fuck thought gunpowder and (John) together would end well?
I'm betting on (Equius) turning on all of them. Or (Nepeta) doing something hideously stupid that would put even (John) to shame.

Week 85: [Facility 3] Abyss - Week 2
(John) proves he is slightly better than worthless when he actually shows why we picked him and performed well under the stress of battle. Sure, he's still pretty damn stupid, but at least he as some attributes.

Week 86: Clumsiness
(John) thanks his team for being a bunch of losers. Good job gaiz! Keep on failing!

Week 87: Linked Collars
No Observations

Week 88: Off Week
No Observations

Week 89: [Facility 3] Venice - Acclimation
(Dave) and (John) start the week out with a bang. And girly screams, and an attempt at burning down the city.

Week 90: [Facility 3] Venice - Evil Twins
[Note: This Observation was Evil John masquerading as John himself. The incomplete log of John's antics will be here momentarily.]
Friday, we're in love with (John) because he decides to combo break the normal 'call out who is here', and instead of doing it at the start of the week, he has decided to do it at the end where all the evil twins can jump in and say they are the originals. Obviously, this plan is fool proof.

Week 91: [Facility 3] Venice - Telepathy
(Patachouli) complains about a headache instead of going to one of the 1000000 medics who have offered their help, at least (John) uses his gray matter when it comes to this.

Week 92: Off Week
No observations.

Week 93: Poltergeists
No observations.

Week 94: Canon Point Shift
No observations.

Week 95: Bugs Under Skin
(John) complains about sleeping for too long and feeling itchy. How far do we have to push this one before he quits bitching about the little stuff?

Week 96: Off Week
You know, (John), you shouldn't take these off weeks so easily. After all, next week we might decide to explode your heads and keep that improvement for the rest of your time here. Wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of intelligence.

Week 97: Nudity
[For the purposes of this experiment, John was moved to Facility 2 due to being underage, counting as a second Off Week]
(John) should really do something about that obsession. It's just not healthy.
(John) actually accomplished something. Everyone is in shock.

Week 98: [Facility 3] Camp Whisperwillow - Acclimation
[Interns were insane this week due to Asura]

Week 99: [Facility 3] Camp Whisperwillow - Stupidity
[The onset of the week that never happened.]
I'm sorry.

Week 100: [Facility 3] Camp Whisperwillow - Hinamizawa Syndrome
What Week 100?

Week 101: Off Week
(John) and (Dave) have a bonding moment of special abilities and property destruction. We are not surprised.
What the hell is (John) up to? He's got (PM) running all over the place. Someone upgrade the cameras so we can deal with this mess.
(John) and (Gamzee) decide to bond by destroying things in the biodome. Are any of them capable of unique thought?

Week 102: Shadows (Persona 4 Style)
(John Egbert) admits his fear and asks (Feferi) for advice on handling their friends. Someone ought to get the popcorn, this should be entertaining.

Week 103: Not So Solitary Confinement
(Patchouli) was easily broken when forced to torture someone else, (John) took severe physical blows and eventually death at her hands. Over all: SUCCESS

Week 104: Self-Cannibalization Rebellion Victory
(John)'s relentless optimism is a danger to stability and progress on other subjects, due to his insistence on 'helping' them. Rallying speeches are not at all helpful to the process. His own progress is hindered by bouncing back quickly from trauma and from past experience in a 'hopeless situation' from which him and several friends of his originate. Week ninety seems to left a lasting impression on him and further experiments in this vein are encouraged for this subject. Also consider the possibility of physical and emotional isolation. 13% complete.

Week 105: Project Termination
No Observations

Week 106: Off Week
(John), why don't you do something about your excess mucus before you try that leader stuff again? S'not a good look for you.

Week 107: [Facility 3] Gotham City - Acclimation
Welcome back, (John). No one missed you.

Week 108: [Facility 3] Gotham City - Body Swap

Week 109: [Facility 3] Gotham City - Wish Week


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