Title: Over The Top (And Then A Little Higher)
Characters: Sherlock/John
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 968
Summary: Five times John punched Sherlock without grievous injury, and one time Sherlock punched John and broke something.
Author's notes: A 5+1 format fic written based on a
sherlockmas prompt that I never actually claimed and
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Comments 2
How did you like my Hulk voice?
That was a wonderful surprise to wake up to. Thank you for the dedication. I am honored and surprised, and thank you! And here I thought the fic that you had me look over was the one you were posting! What were you saying about being unable to begin a story, hmm?
Wonderful ficlet. It was completely them. Only they could say so much with fists. And Sherlock's broken hand! Here I was thinking angst and sporfled instead!
That's getting saved for after work tonight :-) I'm so glad you got a laugh out of this one, though.
And I have no idea where this came from, but I'm glad it appeared!
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