Though the only reason I'm getting him is so I can Digivovle straight to Machinedramon... Lawls. Once I get him, the rest will be easy. After Machinedramon, I can go straight to Puppetmon. After Puppetmon, I can go straight to Piedmon. I'M SO COOL. And I'm going to try and get all the Devas that are in the game.
Speaking of Devas, I got Vajramon. With a wild personality. That I named Ryo. I KNOW I'M A DORK OK I also have Antylamon. So that's AWESOME.
I almost have 55 hours on it ajsferfg I WISH I HAD SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH THOUGH. And to give me Digimons.
God. I'm such a nerd.
This going to bed early shit? LAME. Ug. Sooo tired. D: Though I DO like being awake and perky at like 7-8AM. Could do without all the infomercials though.