introduction :)

Jul 16, 2009 20:29

Name: Siobhan 
Age: 17
Location: London
Disorder (optional): Anorexia with Bulimic tendancies
 Preferred medium: photographs, colleges, paintings and words.
How did you find us? (If applicable, specify the user or community):moderator suggested this to me through AMA.
 What inspires you?: feelings
Favorite artists/writers/musicians?: Amy Winehouse, Egdar Allen Poe, I don't really have a favourite artist.
 What mediums do you want to learn or try out?: I have used alot of mediums (art & fashion courses) but I want to do more.
What do you hope to see in this community?: work that really has emotions poured into it.
Describe yourself in 5 words: friendly, scared, lost, motivated, hopeful.
Anything else?: looking forward to posting.

intro post

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