Aug 01, 2007 16:34
Title: Five Things Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington Has Seen In The Gryffindor Tower (But No One Else Has, Apparently)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Nearly Headless Nick
Rating: PG for dirty double entendre?
Word Count: 571
I. Dirty socks left unattended by house-elves
Nobody ever quite pays attention to house-elves, at least not until that Granger girl decides to take it upon herself to try and revolutionise magical creatures policies within the Hogwarts walls. Perhaps that is why her clothes are especially lovely after a cleaning; the house-elves appreciate her efforts. That is a bit ironic and hypocritical, but nevermind that.
Over the years, it seems to have been lost on the students just how their clothes become clean again. This has always been especially obvious in the boys’ dormitory. To the lads, dirty laundry simply disappears one day and turns up sparkling clean the next. They never question how that grass stain on the Quidditch kit just cannot be found after a cleaning, or the spilled pumpkin juice on that jumper evaporates completely. Of course it’s magic, but to them, it’s magic: miraculous and incredible and unexplainable.
There are times, though, when a sock or two get stranded in the process. Nothing intentional, of course, but no matter how meticulous they are, house-elves can indeed be distracted every once in a while. The students never seem to notice the smell, though, and will simply wear dirty leg-coverings.
Boys will be boys.
II. Wands being polished
Let’s just leave it at that.
III. Puking Pastilles in the common room sweets dish
Ever since those Weasley twins established their business, their fellow Housemates have been (un)fortunate enough to be the first to “experience” their products. Those Extendable Ears and Wildfire Whiz-Bangs can be practical and bring hours and hours of joyful entertainment. As long as someone has a wand at the ready to conjure up an Aguamenti spell for those fiery conclusions, that is.
Then there are of course those experiments that go slightly awry. The descriptively-named inventions from the so-called Skiving Snackbox have been making their way into the sweets dish. The flavour of the week is something called Puking Pastilles, and it may very well be even more disgusting than the previous week’s Nosebleed Nougats. Many ickle firsties have succumbed to the trap, lured in by the delightful colours. Of course, this is all before these sick-sweets have been perfected.
It is a wonder that Madam Pomfrey never suspected the sudden strange influx of patients.
IV. Patils doing each other’s homework
Let it be known that siblings can cause trouble even when they are not Sorted into the same House.
Parvati Patil has never been an unintelligent girl, nor lazy. However, there is a time when she would beg her sister Padma to complete a certain 10-inch parchment on the advantages and disadvantages of a wolfsbane potion. Parvati never quite enjoys Professor Snape’s course. She does, though, have an affinity for Professor Trelawney’s Divination class, something her sister does not share. The trading equivalent for said 10-inch parchment is a foot-long parchment on tea leaves and their unfaltering accuracies because, according to Padma, less research is needed for Divination and hence the added length. Parvati argues otherwise, but gives in eventually.
They are lucky no one has noticed. Apparently, some twins have identical handwriting as well as appearance.
Twins are, and always will be, troublesome.
V. Harry Potter kissing Hermione Granger
On more than one occasion. Then again, no one notices these things, except for a wandering ghost.
hp: harry/hermione,
hp: nearly headless nick