1. Who are you? Matty Boy
2. Are we friends? Yes
3. When and How did we meet? November... psshh online... jeez
4. How have i affected you? You have shown me what a women truly is all about
5. What do you think of me? Let me ask you this... How are your grades? What do you think of them?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? Beating you in Power stone
7. How long do you think we will be friends? FOREVER and EVER
8. Do you love me? Yes sir
9. Would you date me? Too sexy
10. Would you kiss me? Only if it was with two other guys
11. Woud you hug me? Yes
12. Physically, what stands out? The lines on your palm
13. Emotionally, What stands out? How you cry every time you come over and it makes me laugh
14. Do you wish i was cooler? No, warmer.
15. On a scale from 1-10 how hot am i? Threeve
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it? Real Deal. You are the real deal.
17. Am i loveable? Yes
18. How long have you known me? Since November
19. Describe me in one word? REALDEAL
20. What's your first impression of me? This girl is the real deal
21. Do you still think that way about me? Of course
22. What do you think my weakness is? Sexy Parties
23. Do you think i'll get married? Yes
24. What makes me happy? When I revive you in Power Stone
25. What makes me sad? When I don't revive you in Power Stone
26. What reminds you of me? The Emancipation Proclimation
27. If you could give anything to me what would it be? A bodyslam
28. How well do you know me? Not too well
29. When's the last time your saw me? Saturday
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No
31. Do you think i could kill someone? Brutally
I died: Revive you
I said I liked you: Get you pregnant
I kissed you: Get you pregnant
I lived next door to you: Get you pregnant
I started smoking: What? Cock?
I stole something: Get you pregnant
I was hospitalized: Play "Operation" with you on my mind
I got into a fight and you weren't there: Get you pregnant
Personality: Sexy
Eyes: Sexy
Face: Sexy
Hair: Sexy
Clothes: Sexy
Mannerisms: Too Sexy
Be my friend? I am
Have sex with me? Everything, BUTT sex
Lie to make me feel better? No
Spread rumors about me? No
Keep a secret if I told you one? Yes
Loan me some cash? Yes
Hold my hand? Yes
Take a bullet for me? Bullet. No. Bazooka. Yes.
Keep in touch? Yes
Try and solve my problems? Yes
Love me? Yes
Date me? Too sexy