fuck you...thats my realy good friend and you have no fuckin right to judge him in any way...lets see how perfect you are today. david is an awesome person. your really lucky your an anonymous person. im sick of this shit. i dont know who in the fuck you think you are. thats a stupid thing just to start shit, and whats even dumber is you dont even give the person your talking about the chance to stand up and tell you how fucking stupid you are because your scared and hiding for some strange reason... grow up a little bit then you can talk. til then go back to your fuckin mom...jeska
i love you david... you may look like an angel! but i know the truth...lol luv you sweety...xoxjeska!
i think i know david a little better than you do i believe so zip it little girl! this isnt even your busines so stay out of it, did i say "jeska open your mouth and speak?" no so unless i do so keep it shut.
a-fuckin-men! If you sit there and try to tell us that he's not(a crackhead), you are sadly mistaken... Well.. probably not anymore since he cant fucking afford it. But i bet your so hooked onto his dick to relize it. Get a life, he pulled a bitch move on you and you went crawling back to him. He is a selfish, inconsiderate asshole who only thinks about himself. He is a drama queen, over exaggerates everything! "OMG! Lyke i hate him so much!"...next day..."OMG, Lyke he's so my best friend, sleep with me again!" gotohell
i only think of myself and others i care about not snotty lil hoes like yerself, :ahem: besides were not retarded, well all know who yall are, yall are jus pissed because no one likes yall anymore, its all gravy tho "yall were never real friends anyway" right? right" blow me~~~~~ David
ha ha ha losers! I dont even have a stupid live journal account so I HAVE to post anonymous. Im just glad people feel the same way I do about this crackhead!
You may not have a livejournal account but you certainly took the time to log on here and post rude comments anonymously, which makes you the loser. You have nothing better to do with your time than to insult another human being? YOU are what's wrong with the world today!!!! So what if he's a crackhead, I'm sure you shoot heroine, does anyone bitch at you about it? He's a big boy, he can make his OWN decisions...he doesn't need YOU telling him what to do and I'm sure he doesn't need YOU to talk shit...because right now...YOU are being the drama queen.
Well, even though I met you only once and we all hung out at IHOP, I got good vibes from you...and you were TOTALLY entertaining!!!!
I also hate it when people talk shit to other people in their own LJ. It's ridiculous and childish.
Don't let those lil' fuckers bring you down. Your a grown ass man, you make your own decicisons in life, granted they may be "bad" decisions, but your real friends are going to stick with you through all your "mishaps" and not judge you on them. That's what I say...
Comments 37
i love you david... you may look like an angel! but i know the truth...lol luv you sweety...xoxjeska!
"OMG! Lyke i hate him so much!"...next day..."OMG, Lyke he's so my best friend, sleep with me again!"
Get a fucking life you immature piece of shit.
I also hate it when people talk shit to other people in their own LJ. It's ridiculous and childish.
Don't let those lil' fuckers bring you down. Your a grown ass man, you make your own decicisons in life, granted they may be "bad" decisions, but your real friends are going to stick with you through all your "mishaps" and not judge you on them. That's what I say...
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