Characters: Fugue
fugue_angel, Drake
onyx_drake, Russia/Vodka
kolkolkolkolkol, Ofdensen/John
robotic_butler, Sanzo/Ray
kokushi_musouLocation: Casino floor, Caesars Palace
Date/Time: Morning, November 29
Rating: PG-13. I can't imagine Sanzo's language will be clean.
Summary: An assload of people show up in Edensphere, and Drake has hauled his boss out of hiding to greet them.
And I would walk five hundred miles/And I would walk five hundred more... )
Comments 12
"Born? Edensphere? What the hell are you talking about?" It was not a question, but rather a demand. He was - obviously - completely ignoring the other two who seemed to experience the same thing he did. One he could understand completely, while the other one seemed talking rubbish.
How weird is this place?!
Pushing himself to his feet, he shuddered in response to a chill and realized he was naked. He didn't appear the least bit phased. "Could I, ah, get a towel or something to cover with?"
Born in Edensphere... That told him nothing. And he wondered what happened to... oh, it was a dream.
"I don't really understand your meaning as to what's going on... Is it English only?"
He motioned at some cocoons -those oblong misshapen things around and about the place- while slowly approaching. Nothing said 'I come in peace' more than a man geared up with a gun and militia-wear, and one could never tell what newborns might get ready to do. Nevertheless, he made sure to carefully set before them the usual bundles of provisions, towels conveniently placed on top, and clothing just under it. "Have some clothing. There are some other supplies that you'll be needing now that you're here."
Ever helpful as usual, that Fugue.
"Edensphere. Big-ass tree in a big-ass glass globe. No memories except for that dream so hang onto that. And now pick a name for yourselves, unless you want me to be calling you 'hey you'." He rolled his eyes. "I'm Drake, he's Fugue, I'm the guard captain, he's a greeter." And seriously, not the best of one.
"There's rifles and stuff around right now because of this paintball thing, but -- well. Names, please?" He eyed them expectantly before blinking at the foreign-speaking one. "Uh...since I have no idea what the hell you just said I'll take that as a 'yes'."
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