Characters: Aurora (
earth_uninstall) and Fred (
Date/Time: Nov 09, noon SHARP
Location: Starting at the Clinic
Rating: PG
Summary: Fred had a strange memory which Aurora wishes to discuss with her. Turns out it was his.
Aurora had made his schedule suited his needs the moment he had come into work that day. He intentionally saved his break and vacation hours for times when he would need it, such as emergencies or opportunities that would force him to leave work for a moment. It wasn't like he needed those hours, anyway; the extra time to sit around during lunch was terribly wasteful and unproductive, and at its best could be considered boring.
With care he had estimated how long it would take him to get to the Clinic from where he would be stationed, already acclimated to the changed geography; while it made travel a bit more convenient, he had to wonder how it had happened. He remembered feeling no shift during the fire, when he'd tried desperately to get to Medical in time to save Bri-
This wasn't the time to think about it. It was over and Bridge was fine, had blessedly not remembered what had happened. Aurora placed a hand on the head of the dog following beside him, the Irish Setter's presence instantly soothing.
Range had always had that effect on him.
At precisely noon he entered the Clinic, bypassing the waiting room to head directly for the sliding glass window that shielded the receptionist. He didn't bother to wait for her to notice him, knocking soundly on the glass to get her attention.
"I am here for my meeting with Fred. Please inform him immediately."