Characters: 00 (
ghost_of_00) and OPEN
Date/Time: November 15, late morning through the afternoon
Location: Captain Planet (you can find her either outside in the park staring at the snow or in a gazebo staring at it)
Rating: G-PG
Summary: 00 goes inner-monologuing exploring. Or something. Feel free to meet her!
Have you ever looked at snow? I mean, REALLY looked at it? )
Comments 38
Unless he was someone she had written with in the journals. But they would not recognize each other by sight if that were the case.
But he had asked a question, and a response of some sort was required, although she would rather have waited until all the snow had melted. "No. I am watching it melt," she said, and turned her eyes back downwards to watch its progress. There was very little left now, though it was taking time to melt completely into water. She simply had a handful of mostly-transparent slush.
He shivered a bit and rubbed his hands over his very thin long sleeved newborn shirt. "Ah..ok. Any particular reason?" It was always fun to talk to stoners about their muddled rationale. "If you keep at it your hand's gonna turn as blue as your hair there."
He stuck his own cold hands into his pockets. "It's a really cool artificial environment isn't it," he rambled on, unable to hold in his own enthusiasm. "I mean snow! Inside of a glass dome! How perfect is that?!"
"What is perfect about it?" she asked. Perfection. That was something that people strove for, but it was impossible to achieve. As long as humans were human, their faults, their fears... there was no way that they could truly achieve that state.
He felt apart from everyone else, as if he was watching from a higher place. And that made him think again of his question: what was the Composer? What was his position? It would help him determine whether or not he had something worth going back to.
The orange cat trailed after him. That was the one good thing about the standoffish creature, he was quiet when Composer was thinking. Which was admittedly often, as he had plenty of things to consider. Getting a job, not disappearing, simply surviving. And possibly making a friend.
He was drawn out of his thoughts when he noticed a young girl standing in a gazebo. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to walk over. They both gazed at the snow for a while before he spoke in a soft voice. "Beautiful, isn't it?"
He was walking towards her. She did not move, simply watching as he approached. She stared, again attempting to discover why he provoked such a confusing reaction. Familiar. Not in a comfortable way. But he said nothing--her eyes slid back to the snow that covered the ground, but snapped back to him when he spoke. "Is it?" she asked, in a neutral voice that was only just audible.
Why was she triggering this reaction? The desire to watch and protect, and he didn't know her name. Or her face. "My name is Composer," he added.
It is like the dream, she thought again. Looking down on a world filled with pain. Endless souls, suffering. And she could end it...
But it was only snow. Wasn't it?
Beautiful. No, she did not think it was. She did not look at the boy as he spoke his name, although she did hear. Composer--she didn't know what that mean.
He wondered as he walked exactly what he was doing, out in the snow. As he'd written in his journal, he was rather indifferent towards the snow's presence, unable to make up his mind whether he hated it or not. But snow or no snow, he figured he had to learn the layout of this place sometime.
So there he was, walking along. Then he looked up and noticed a person standing by herself, staring at something (snow, probably...) in her hand. Vaguely curious, he stuck the map away, and walked up to her. "Hello...."
And he had spoken to her. This was the third time... why? she wondered. But the park was not very well-attended today. People sought out others to speak to when they were alone, and she was one of the few people here. Most likely that was his reason.
"Hello," she replied, and looked back at the snow.
"I don't think we've met..." Well, that meant nothing, since he hadn't met anyone in person, except for Zombie. "My name's Lost." The older man managed a smile. It was an awkward one, but a smile nonetheless.
"I am Zero," she said after a moment of watching him. Lost. She couldn't say whether or not it was a strange name. But if names were significant--Lost. Why would he call himself such a thing? It was not a state that most people desired.
Unless there was a simpler explanation, she thought, remembering his apparent reliance on the map.
Then he noted someone in the nearby gazebo. Waving, he called out, "Hello!"
Fugue then brushed himself off, which was like patting off tiny flakes and watery droplets from his long yellow rain coat. He'd worn some tall yellow boots to go along with it. He'd thought of taking such precautions before coming out today, and maybe Fugue seemed overdone, but at least he was dry.
"How are you?" he asked as he approached. He squinted his eyes in hopes of recognizing her but decided that she wasn't familiar after a brief moment. "Rather, I'm sorry--I don't think we've met before. Or maybe we have, and my memory fails me. But... who are you? My name is Fugue."
"I am fit," she said, in reply to this question. "My name is Zero. I have not seen you before." She spoke this in a quiet, neutral voice, wondering who he was. Fugue... a fugue was a type of music, wasn't it? If there was a dictionary to be found in Edensphere, she would look it up. Most names here were words with meaning.
He looked over the gazebo, seemingly studying its condition for a brief moment. Fugue didn't want to just walk in there without Zero*'s permission since there were some who easily became unnerved when those of the opposite gender 'invaded their territory'.
"May I join you?" he asked.
[* OOC: Spelled as he heard it; likely to be corrected in the journals.]
In reply to Fugue's question she simply nodded. She had no objections to his coming into the gazebo. It was cold, after all, even if he appeared to be dressed for...
...some kind of weather.
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