Oct 23, 2009 20:02

This post is the master information/FAQ post for the Mass Death Event. We ask that players please utilize this post heavily for this plot.

For reminders on god-moding, meta-gaming, and overall expectations for this event, please see this post.

Saturday, October 24 @ 1:07PM EST, the Majestic Oak will burst into flames, causing a spherical rain of of fire for two hours. The intense flames will begin almost immediately and burn brightly before suddenly extinguishing themselves. All places will be affected, but there are more specific details regarding The City Without Walls (second floor). An Edensphere wildfire isn't necessarily like a realistic one--some areas are raging infernos with flames eating everything up, creating massive incinerators, while others aren't visibly burning at all. These are decided by you, the players who wish to write up reactions and scenarios for your characters. Therefore, the 'safest' places in terms of log flexibility are anywhere other than The City Without Walls--more details on this below.

During this event, The City Without Walls will completely be rearranged. Characters who are on any of the islands will have limited visibility beyond the terrifying flames, and there's potential for accidents and falling off the islands. However, no one will actually feel the islands shift, compress, or move when the rearrangement takes place--Edensphere is strange like that from time to time. To that end, the World Map post has been updated with a brand spanking new map and descriptions for you to peruse. (You may refer to this page if you would like to reference the old map and descriptions.) During the event, the maps mysteriously update themselves; so your character might wind up opening up their map, finding it's completely changed and having to reorient themselves to the new maps.

There will be a massive event log going up for the event, so please look out for it and log your characters initial reactions from there. Other important details are listed below:
  • Are we allowed to continue logging threads from before the event?
    Yes, so long as you remember that the characters do not realize this event is coming up.
  • How will my surviving character obtain a new map?
    Like the map update on Jul 31, 2008, characters will simply open their maps and find they look completely different. If you wind up playing it as having your character's map burned, s/he will later find a brand new one mysteriously on his/her person. If a character is looking at a map during the event, they'll see colorful splotches of ink battling for dominance until the fires are over; then, the maps will be miraculously updated in the blink of an eye.
  • How does my character survive something like THAT!?!?
    Edensphere's had its fair share of catastrophes, but they aren't always natural, and even those one would consider natural don't necessarily play out as ordinary. For this event, your character will inexplicably saved by these snazzy fireproof suits--they will mysteriously appear on your character's body, miraculously preventing death. They will be irremovable, and the suit is large, heavy and very bling-bling. It's hard to walk in because of its bulkiness--after all, it's made to prevent people from freezing or getting scorched in outer space, even though it looks like a bad joke. You might note that there is a thin horizontal bar eye-slat on this suit; it means vision is restricted to that rectangular slat, also making it difficult to maneuver. There's potential to receive injuries and accidents while in this suit, and a character may sustain injuries without dying so long as the suit remains on. Get creative.
  • My character is going to survive--can I use the event to discover abilities or skills?
    Certainly. The event and/or its aftermath may trigger unknown abilities by triggering the character's instincts. This isn't limited to physical abilities or battle techniques--characters might discover an affinity for medical work or a skill in mending things.
  • My character has ice- or water-based abilities/fire extinguishers/is taking a shower or bath. Will s/he be able to fight off the flames?
    Water, ice, fire extinguisher, other fire-dousing materials or methods will NOT save characters from the flames, but they certainly may try to fight them off only to result in failure.
  • So I chose to have my character die--how should I go about killing him/her?
    For those who chose death, there are plenty of ways to perish in this event. Some can choose instant incineration, others may choose a more lingering and painful death via third-degree burns. There may also be explosions, smoke inhalation, getting crushed by falling debris or people in space suits, etc. We encourage people to be creative in the parameters set by the event. Feel free to utilize resources like Wikipedia too.
  • Can characters communicate via journals during the event?
    It will be difficult if not impossible to communicate. Expect some journals to be completely incinerated; journal damage varies from light scoffs and burns to unrecognizable char, depending on how your character has died. Please note that the wildfire isn't necessarily normal, so the effects on the journals will vary. Any characters looking at their journals will only see effects specific to their own journals rather than evidence of other characters' journals burning, charring, etc.
  • Will the elevator be functioning during the event?
    No. The fire will affect the elevator somehow and prevent it from working. In addition, if anyone is in the shaft it will act like a raging inferno or column of fire given how it's embedded into the Majestic Oak.
  • What happens to my characters' pets? the farm/aquarium creatures? Bernard?
    All giant Edensphere wildlife will perish unless they've been tamed or made into pets. Characters' pets will miraculously be saved, which means they are placed in pet versions of that delightful golden space suit. The farm/aquarium creatures (including Bernard) will be mysteriously unaffected by the incident and, in the aftermath, will be found perfectly unharmed in their appropriate homes.
  • How much damage will occur in the residential areas?
    Players are free to determine the amount of damage dealt to their dwelling place. Houses and properties will be destroyed, but as mentioned, an Edensphere wildfire isn't necessarily an ordinary one. You can choose to completely destroy your character's house and belongings with it, or it can be largely untouched beyond smoke stains. Bear in mind, however, that overall damage will warrant organized restoration crews in the aftermath as newborns find they no longer have homes to return to. This may result in overcrowding existing houses for some period of time until a character's home is restored.
  • What will happen to the Hall of Beginnings?
    While the Hall isn't safe from the flames, characters will find that it's largely undamaged beyond smoke stains and scoffs. The usual amount of clothing, journal, money pouch, and map supplies seem to be there but a shortage of towels for some reason.
  • If characters look down from the residential area, what will they see?
    Characters looking down at The City Without Walls from the residential area will see massive blobs of fire. Island formations notably look nothing like they used to, and characters will not actually witness the islands moving or coming together.
  • What happened to the paper and journals at the Paper Factory? Will there still be enough to supply newborns?
    Most journals at the Paper Factory -both finished and unfinished- will have miraculously survived and sustained minor damage like scoffed and slightly singed pages appearing as normal wear and tear. There are unused journals that sustained severe damage but have disappeared to that wonderful place where lost journals go.
  • My character runs a stall or business in the Marketplace. What will happen to it and its stock amid all these changes?
    Your character's place of business will still be available, though its appearance will have modified to fit in with the new Marketplace descriptions. Many will have suffered damages but aren't completely destroyed and beyond repair. Like damages in the residential areas, players may choose the degree of damage dealt to their business and its stock. Items of necessity -simple food, drink, and clothing- seem to have survived more than luxurious ones.
  • So many places being damaged and/or destroyed! Where do the repair and restoration materials come from?
    Materials and equipment for repair and restoration will conveniently be found on Stuff Inc. as it is a conglomeration of the former Housekeeping HQ, Workshops, Paper Factory, and Ikea. Fresh stores of usable materials and undamaged equipment and supplies can inexplicably be found there in the aftermath.
  • My character originally had access to the library--will they still be able to access it now that it's been moved?
    Yes, if they already know how to get there, then they should still be able to access it.
  • I really liked [some feature] on [some island]! What happened to it? Is it gone?
    For the time being, if it's not in the new description, then it's been whisked away by whatever force decided to rearrange and update the sphere's physical layout. If it isn't a specific land-form feature, it might show up in the Scavengers' Yard. Broken.
  • How safe is The Wilderness, since it's a Nude Beach?
    Localized bursts of fire and walls of flame line the shore, but characters will find no relief upon entering the water. For whatever reason, the flames simply cannot and will not be put out.
  • How safe is The City Without Shape? Can my character already be there during the event?
    Surviving characters are allowed to have been conveniently transported to the fourth floor but will not see anything intriguing or special. The place itself presents absolutely nothing beyond pitch-blackness, and the only wildfire effects seem to be an indescribably fervent heat.
  • How safe is the Scavengers' Yard?
    Like The Wilderness, there are localized bursts of fire and walls of flame spread out throughout the yard. The area circling the elevator shaft is surrounded by ferocious wildfire, so characters might think twice about even trying to reach it.
  • What will happen to my character's special personal or plot-provided items if my character loses them during this crisis?
    Whether your character died and lost the item or it was damaged/lost in the fire, it will be available in the Scavengers' Yard. Feel free to plot out item retrievals since not all characters can easily and miraculously find exactly what they're looking for. In addition, there are PCs who are employed as scavengers, so they're paid to find items and fulfill special requests. Don't forget that the Scavengers' Yard is like a free-for-all junkyard--any character can find an item that is important to or belonging to another character, which could lead to all kinds of interactions.
  • Can I use NPCs in death logs?
    Absolutely. In proportion to PCs, there will be MANY NPC DEATHS. This will greatly affect Edensphere, as it is to be assumed that both NPCs and PCs will be reborn in the future. Please keep in mind that this greatly affects Edensphere's short term life, as there'll be fewer able hands in this state of emergency. That means less people who can provide medical aid, search for survivors, etc.
  • What will happen to bodies that aren't consumed by the great fire?
    If the body isn't completely incinerated during the event, then it will disappear after three days, which is the usual amount of time it takes for dead bodies to mysteriously vanish. Also, characters may steal body parts to preserve and/or eat from the available dead as they see fit.
  • My character needs medical attention! Will s/he be able to go to the clinic still?
    Although the clinic may have suffered damages, it likely will be the first that characters repair to the point of basic functionality. Undamaged emergency kits for burns and first aid seem conveniently spread throughout the sphere. Bear in mind that characters may find it disorienting to travel in the second floor now that its completely rearranged, but thankfully Wellspring ISD. is closest to the Access Point.
  • When can my character be reborn? Is my character required to participate in a birthday log?
    You're allowed to have your character reborn anytime after this event, and as usual birthday logs are NOT mandatory. Please remember that any player may use NPC hatchery guides (they'll all have miraculously survived) provided they utilize the appropriate personality profiles--this should ease the burden on remaining PC guides/guards. We highly recommend collaboration for rebirthday logs, feel free to discuss who'll be greeting and/or whether or not your characters will have multiple siblings. You're allowed to collaborate a massive birthday party with ten siblings if you want, but be reasonable and plan out how your group log will go. Don't forget that your character doesn't have to be reborn right away, so you can use this time to put yourself on hiatus if necessary.
  • Will I have to write a new dream for when my character is reborn?
    You will have to write one if you are doing a canon update on your character. (In relation to this, please have the updated canon background available for reference as we would appreciate this.) Please remember that your character will not have any memories of Edensphere if they are canon updated. For characters who are not canon updated, it's up to you if you'd like a new dream, or want to use one you've written in the past.
  • Does my character have to 'lose' memories when they're reborn?
    Like having a new dream, characters are not required to lose any memories unless they're being canon reset or you want them to. But you might want to jot down what they've forgotten for reference.
  • If my character received any potentially scarring injuries during their death, will they have the scars when they are reborn?
    This is entirely up to the players. Rebirth in ES can wipe the slate clean in this respect and reset them physically to how they were.... or not.
  • Is this related to Edensphere's background story? How?
    This was previously answered in another entry but is worth repeating. Yes, it is world-plot related; however, it will seem rather sudden and random. It's a throwback to game events that took place when the game first started. The event is supported by the game's concept and certainly does have pertinence in occurring during this month, but it's you to you and your characters to figure out exactly how they are related. Best of luck!
  • Will my character ever find hints or clues as to why this happned?
    We can arrange for that, though the priority at this time likely will be reparation and restoration. However, if you feel your character would investigate following the aftermath, please contact a mod.

plot bunnies

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