"Deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you.."

Dec 10, 2005 12:35

Dates, times, holidays are all irrelevant to me lately. My life now is seperated and marked by the times when I am with Daniel and without him. I don't care about christmas this year, honestly. I don't want any presents. He's what I want for christmas more than anything else. I'm trying to find a way to make that happen.

When I drove up to go and see him last week (No, it wasn't last week, it was like 4 days ago - see what it feels like when he's not with me?) I realized around Indianapolis (Yes, I went right by Butler Alix :p) that I had forgotten my wallet back in Louisville at home. Luckily, I had enough gas to make it back home, but I didn't have quite enough gas to make it to Chicago. It was about 3 am and I called Daniel, waking him up to tell him that unfortunately I wasn't going to make it, and that I had to go home.

It was quiet on the line for a moment before I heard him begin to cry. Through tears he told me how much he missed me and couldn't be without me, and then decided at 3 am that he was going to get out of bed to drive down to wherever I was going to run out of gas to be my savior and made sure I had the gas to get up to see him.

At around 4:30 am, we met eachother at a gas station about 20 miles north of Lafayette, Indiana in the snow, then made the rest of the trip back to chicago driving one behind the other.


So when do y'all go to Le Relais, Pam? I wanna go. :p If anything, I'll just come on y'all's last day and do a little visiting.
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