5 favourite Doctor Who episodes - picspam

Feb 13, 2010 17:13

Made for Challenge #17 'Fives' at picspammy . Choosing the first four was quite easy, but to pick numer 5 I had to flip a coin. ;) Enjoy.  Warning: IMAGE HEAVY.

05;    2:09 'The Satan Pit'

Ida Scott: Really, though, Doctor. Who are you?
The Doctor: Oh... the stuff of legends.

The Doctor: Gravity schmavity, my people practically invented the black hole. Well, in fact, they did.

The Doctor: If you are the Beast, then answer me this: Which one? Because the universe has been busy since you've been gone. There are more religions than there are planets in the sky. The Arkiphetes, quoldonity, christianity, pash-pash, new judaism, Saint Claar, Church of the Teen Vagabond. Which devil are you?
The Beast: All of them.

04;     1:12 'Bad Wolf'

Captain Jack Harkness: What's a Defabricator?
Captain Jack Harkness: (his clothes get disintegrated) 
Captain Jack Harkness: Okay, defabricator, does exactly what it says on the tin. Am I naked in front of millions of viewers?
Zu-Zana, Trine-e: (enthusiastically) Absolutely.
Captain Jack Harkness: Ladies, your viewing figures just went up.

03;   4:10 'Midnight'

Donna Noble: Oy! And you be careful, all right?
The Doctor: Ahh, taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight? What could possibly go wrong?

The Doctor: Sorry, I'm the Doctor, I'm very clever.

Donna Noble: I can't imagine you without a voice.
The Doctor: Molte bene.
Donna Noble: (repeats) Molte bene.
The Doctor: No. Don't do that. Don't. Really. Don't.

02;    2.04 'The Girl in the Fireplace'

Rose Tyler: (the Doctor enters, singing "I Could Have Danced All Night", seemingly drunk) Oh, look what the cat dragged in, the oncoming storm.
The Doctor: Oh, you sound just like your mother.
Rose Tyler: What have you been doing, where've you been?
The Doctor: Well, among other things, I think I just invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early. Do you know they'd never seen a banana before? Always take a banana to a party, Rose, bananas are good.
[(to the droid) 
The Doctor: Oh, brilliant, it's you! You're my favorite, you are, you are the best, you know why? Cause you're so thick! You're Mr. Thick Thick Thickety Thick-face from Thick-town, Thickania. And so's your dad!

Mickey Smith: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-Revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective!

The Doctor: Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink.
Mickey Smith: What's that?
The Doctor: No idea, I just made it up. Didn't want to say "Magic Door"

01;    3:10 'Blink'

The Doctor: Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.

The Doctor: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.

The Doctor: Sorry, I've got a complex life. Things sometimes don't happen to me in the right order. Especially weddings. I'm rubbish at weddings. Especially my own.

Sally Sparrow: Okay, let me get my head around this. You're reading aloud from a transcript of a conversation you're still having?
The Doctor: Oh, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey..

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Screencaps: http://disparue.org/gallery/tv.php
Comments are love!
Enjoy! ♥

tv: doctor who, lj: picspammy, !maker: sara, !picspam

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