An Open Letter Re: My Journal, My Choices

Nov 12, 2021 09:56

Since someone I enjoyed interacting with here has decided to take my previous post where I stated that I choose not to wear crosses, overt pentacles, or other religious symbols when I am not a part of those faiths as a personal insult, I figure I may as well do what I never thought I would need to do, and post a disclaimer here ( Read more... )

lj, crazy, drama

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Comments 31

one_raido November 12 2021, 16:01:59 UTC
Oy, lj drama. I agree with you 100%.


edgeofthewoods November 12 2021, 16:12:24 UTC
This is my first-ever LJ kerfuffle, altho I have seen it happening tangentially before.

I should also include I consider LJ to be a safe space, and do not divulge anything that we share here. "What happens on LJ, stays on LJ" as far as I am concerned.


one_raido November 12 2021, 16:15:00 UTC
Also agree. I will tell someone about a comment/suggestion someone made on one of my own posts, but that's in a general way.


meathiel November 12 2021, 17:17:48 UTC
Wait ... they unfriended you?


edgeofthewoods November 12 2021, 17:37:31 UTC
Apparently bc I don't feel comfortable wearing religious symbols when I am not a part of that faith, it means I was implying that this person was being disrespectful by choosing to do so. I mean, I don't go around wearing the Star of David, the Orthodox cross, or the Hamsa, either. Doesn't mean I have any opinion on others who do. ((shrugs))


puddleshark November 12 2021, 17:21:13 UTC

... )


theoddbirdrant November 12 2021, 19:20:51 UTC
Ugh sorry you had to deal with unnecessary drama here on LJ.
I enjoy & respect your LJ badassery LOL


edgeofthewoods November 12 2021, 19:32:07 UTC
It's really a shame bc I valued our interactions here.

I guess our friendship wasn't as genuine as I thought it was. It's disheartening that anyone would assume I was targeting them in my LJ.

You know I am much more direct that that - I'd have called them out precisely, not gone about it in some obtuse manner like that. That sort of transparent honesty is all part and parcel of being a badass, lol


webgirluk November 12 2021, 19:48:04 UTC
I don't see anyone being offensive in your previous post so I guess it was over PM they took you to task? Either way, it's bizarre when people get so offended or uptight over someone having a different religious belief when it shouldn't matter.


edgeofthewoods November 12 2021, 20:03:43 UTC
Yeah, basically one of those "I'm going to write you an outraged message about how unfair you are, and then block you so you can't even reply" scenarios.

Totally out of left field. I never even saw it coming.

Disappointing to see grown-ass adults behaving that way, but whaddya gonna do?


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