Random Beauty - January 19, 2023

Jan 20, 2023 05:09

Whenever I see this vehicle, my first thought is always hiking boot.

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weather, random beauty

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Comments 19

meathiel January 20 2023, 10:41:48 UTC

I have to admit I don't mind not having snow but only grey skies is depressing for sure! Thank goodness the sun's been out here quite a bit ...


edgeofthewoods January 20 2023, 17:53:25 UTC
I miss the sparkle of sunlight on fresh, glittering snow!


doogiehowser7 August 24 2023, 22:19:51 UTC
madman101 is still making comms mocking people with mental illnesses. he is a sicko. is that why you defriended him? If so, I applaud you from breaking free of his cycle of abuse and manipulation. He is a closeted gay pedophile, and this explains A LOT.


livejournal January 20 2023, 11:32:58 UTC
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wantedonvoyage January 20 2023, 12:43:33 UTC
I can't see the pic, but we've been having the same #808080 more days than not, and I'm over it. At least if it were snowing I would be justified in wanting to hide out at home.


edgeofthewoods January 20 2023, 19:37:06 UTC
Are you on the app? It sometimes needs a refresh to show pics on my mobile.

I miss the snow sooooo much, sigh.


wantedonvoyage January 20 2023, 23:12:53 UTC
No this was on the desktop. It did eventually show up.


halfmoon_mollie January 20 2023, 12:55:35 UTC

I think we are all agreed that some snow would be nice. Maybe not a blizzard (for sure not a blizzard) but some nice soft snow to soften the sharp angles that seem to dominate the landscape this time of year. And also, snow makes it brighter. We've had ice twice this past week, which has kept us old folks inside and grumbling. I'm making chicken soup for dinner, if you'd like to stop by!


edgeofthewoods January 20 2023, 20:10:04 UTC
Snow definitely makes the world brighter! I miss it so much.

I made chicken and rice soup last Friday, so we are in good company whit one another. I'd love to join you for a bowl, I'll bring some crusty sourdough bred for us to dip into the broth! :-)


halfmoon_mollie January 20 2023, 20:17:29 UTC

ooh, yum!


adafrog January 20 2023, 13:59:20 UTC

... )


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