Hearts in a bottle [nino/aiba]
Nino has a huge plastic bottle where he keeps 100 yen coins and broken hearts. In a way, it’s almost like a hobby; money and sex, they go together, in Nino’s mind. Nino finds satisfaction in breaking hearts, hoarding money till there’s more than he can remember. Nino feeds on it, draws on the power he gets from it and uses it to keep going on through life. It’s probably harmful, as Sho never stops reminding him, but Nino thinks that he’s reached the point just beyond caring because it doesn’t matter anymore. He hides his own heart away, never exposing it to the world, locking it up ad slamming the door shut tightly.
One day, Nino comes across a heart, un broken and pure. Nino plunges head in, another one for his collection. He drops 100 yen into the bottle. Only, once he’s tasted this heart, this sweet, beautiful heart and the passionate, innocent love that comes flowing so freely from it, he finds all his logic coming crashing down around him. He finds all his excuses, cleverly crafted so that even he believes them, his reasoning, his entire way of life shaken by that one heart with that shy, beaming smile.
Suddenly, he’s not so sure anymore.
( Nino breaks open the bottle and counts the money; 12,700 yen total.
He picks up the broken pieces of hearts too, glues them together
and returns them to their owners, one by one.
Then he smiles, dusts off his hands, wipes his brow.
He pockets the money, goes back home,
to the place where he has left his heart.)
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em ( or, when overgrown idols refuse to act their age) [innochi/ken]
They go on a fake date, since Innochi is already married. It’s terribly awkward, because Ken is embarrassed and worried about the paparazzi and Innochi insists on wearing what he calls trendy clothing that all youngsters wear (according to Fujigaya). They go to Disneyland; Innochi holds that it’s the only place to have a date and proceeds to show him where all the hidden Mickey’s are. He buys them both popcorn, in sea salt flavor and wears the tub around his neck the entire time. Ken slinks around, tugging his cap further down his head, nodding weakly at Innochi’s suggestion that they take a picture together under Cinderella’s castle.
Say Innocheese! Innochi yells as he presses the button. His right arm slung round ken’s shoulder. Ken glances at Innochi’s bright smile and his infectious enthusiasm and sighs. Innochi pokes at him , smile, he all but screams into Kens face, this is member ai. Ken smiles.
Later that day, having exhausted all the attractions available to the public (and a few others that nearly got them hauled out of Disneyland), Innochi beams and leans over the table to squeeze Ken’s hand. See? You had fun right?
Ken grunts, but squeezes back anyway, perhaps, he concedes, Disneyland is the perfect place for a fate date after all.
The one where Kawai gets into trouble [ebikisu]
As he does whenever people come after him, Kawai blames Goseki’s evil manipulation and seeks refuge behind Tsukada’s arms, which, despite being unnaturally strong are ineffective against a horde of angry kisumai members. But it was just a friendly praaaaank, I’m showing my unit ai wails Kawai as Kitayama drags him away, kicking and screaming, eyes promising suffering and torture, because no one is allowed to make Senga cry, except him and possibly Nikaido.
From behind Goseki, Senga makes an incredibly sad face and stares mournfully at Kawai. He keeps that face on till Kitayama‘s head disappears around the corner. Goseki smirks, because he is an evil manipulator and Senga beams and sticks out his tongue. I AM YOUR BABY, Kawai shrieks, SAVE ME. Tottsu covers Hasshi’s eyes and ears protectively and shakes his head disapprovingly as Kawai’s leg disappears and the kisumai dressing room door slams shut.
Later that day, nursing his wounds and sulking (in the A.B.C dressing room for once), Kawai inches towards Goseki’s bag carefully and pulls out the remaining whipped cream. After all, it would be fun to see Goseki cry when his newly-bought-unbelievably-expensive headphones smell disgustingly sweet forever and ever and ever. It’s almost like destroying Senga’s favorite good luck t-shirt (that Kawai did not know was inside his bag), only meaner.
Goseki is, predictably, very much not amused. Kawai laughs.
(Although he’s not laughing later on when he wakes up the next day tied naked to Yara-senpai’s bed)
5 uwasa-man episodes that couldn't be aired on shokura [Tottsu/ebikisu]
So, says Tottsu with a flourish, suspicious activities in supply closets have been reported by a certain junior, to which Kawai pops out from somewhere behind Tottsu’s cape and giggle snorts shadily for a while before nearly tripping over himself with excitement. Let’s catch them in action aasdfghjkl;ddjkdskj teehee- he says, and drags Tottsu towards the one near the Kisumai room with the broken lock.
Of course, Tottsu mutters to himself later, as Kawai and the clothed and uninvolved half of Kisumai fall around in fits of laughter. In the supply closet and wearing nothing much besides his pink sparkly scrunchie, Fujigaya shrieks like the girl he really is under all that fringe and flails around, nearly taking out Kitayama’s left eye.
When Kawai has been sedated and banned from direct participation in Uwasa-man appearances and kisumai restored to their original state, Tottsu sighs and looks at the cameraman, Let’s just go check out the next rumour.
So, says Tottsu with a flourish, and that’s as far as he gets when Fujigaya appears, apparently having recovered from his previous humiliation. I have a rumour for you to check out, he informs the camera with a winning smile. When Tottsu says nothing, he continues anyway. I heard that Koyama and Nakamaru are really close in real life, like they go out for meals and stuff together and share everything and stuff so I was thinking we should go check out their dressing room.
A while later, Tottsu shares a look of agony with the cameraman, sitting on the couch in Nakamaru’s dressing room, waiting for Koyama to stop crying. There’s no reason to cry Fujigaya says in a senpai voice, after all, they don’t have to air the scene where the camera catches you and Nakamaru showing just how close you guys are. Koyama cries harder and Tottsu sighs.
So, says Tottsu with a flourish, from his relatively safe position outside the junior’s room, we have Morimoto Shintaro here with us today because he has a rumour that needs to be checked. Shintaro smirks, almost like an evil little version of Goseki and flashes a grin at the door. I just heard that Yuta-kun* likes to talk about his father too much. Tottsu’s smile falters just a little bit. Maybe, he starts, but it’s too late.
The opened door reveals a whole crowd of attentive juniors being regaled by a vivid description of various senpai in lurid detail by Taiga and Yuta, perhaps with a little bit of physical demonstration.
Omg ew, says Nikaido later, peering over the cameraman’s shoulder, where do the chibis learn these things? From behind, Kitayama thwaps his head and reminds him that it’s Uekusa-san, puh-lease.
So, says Tottsu weakly, eyeing Goseki warily, we have Chino-kun* here because a rumour has been reported about you apprenticing yourself to Goseki to learn all the things required to get through life as -and I quote- one hell of hot ass idol, unquote. Chino grins, damn straight, he squeaks, let’s go kick some ass yo, while Goseki looks on with the air of a proud father.
Somewhere in the studio, Koyama starts crying for no reason in particular.
Let’s just go home, suggests the cameraman faintly. Tottsu nods and buries his head in his cushion with a long suffering sigh. Ne, Tottsu, says a voice from a above him. Tottsu cracks open one eye to peer upwards. It’s not just one person, unfortunately. I heard, Kitayama says, that you were feeling down and needed someone to cheer you up. Behind him, what seems like the Ebikisu in their destructive entirety grins at him cheerfully.
I DISSAPPROVE OF THIS FOOLERY IN THE WORKPLACE, Tottsu screams as everyone, even Tsukada descends upon him with the enthusiasm of sexually active teenage bunnies (despite most of them not even being in their teens at all). When the second pair of pants come sailing by, the cameraman sighs, puts down the camera carefully and turns to run. TRAITOR, wails Tottsu, just before his last sock is pulled off.
From the table, the camera continues filming
*Uekusa Yuta is uekusa-san-from-shounentai's father. lol, yeah.They look alike XD senpai ftw
* Chino is the eight year old little boy...from somewhere who looks about five.
Omg, just drabbles this time, if only because of an urge to drag people down with me to junior fandom, I SWEAR IT IS A NICE PLACE.