I wouldn’t so much say hate, but definately more along the lines of “Not as great as everyone makes it out to be and the super hard core fanbase ruined it for me.”
Final Fantasy VII
when I first played it, it was great. It was Final Fantasy’s step into the next generation and all was well. Then as time went on and it being dubbed “THE BEST FINAL FANTASY EVAR” made me feel a little cold towards it.
It really isn’t the best final fantasy for one major factor.
That ending.
Leaving the ending so vague like that is just bad story telling. Everything in between was awesome but damn... what the hell?
Also Aeris’ death was spoiled for me way before FFVII came out over to North America. A video game magazine had videos on a cd that came with the magazine and what does it do? SHOW THE WHOLE DEATH!! *face palm* That part didn’t effect me like others just because of that. I was expecting her to push daisies when I started the game.