AKA: Or why I shouldn't post things when I'm tired because it'll be one of those crack posts. XD
I need more sleep dammit.
I don’t even know how to answer this. Realistic fighting game was done (Bushido Blade), Open world has been done, fighting RPGs have been done. What’s left?
A side scrolling Jean Claude Van Damme beat em up with RPG like power ups. FUCK YEAH!
Now with that said I know that he’s been in Street Fighter The Movie The Game but honestly... that’s Van Damme as Guile. I want... no... I DEMAND!! Van Damme as Van Damme VAN DAMMIT!!
And no one say that Chuck Norris should have a video game. He already had one for the Calecovision I believe.
I could say a video game based off of the movie The Room but that’s actually already been done.
Oh hai video games!