(no subject)

Dec 05, 2008 18:22


So, the last couple weeks have been sort of interesting. I suppose the main event of notice should be my visit to LA, to see Ellia (from the same forum I know Joe from).

Wednesday, November 26th: Spent the morning panicking, over having everything packed or not or where is it or... you get the idea. at 11:31 I start heading down, and find my way to the loooonnng line to sign in for the bus (they were just checking names off a list, but it took for fucking ever!) We were supposed to be on the busses by 12:00...... we're finally seated by 12:50. (This is not the bad part, really). So, a long long long bus ride later, in fact a 10 hour bus ride later, we make it to LA. Elly really is very cute, and sweet, and .. dahwww-worthy. We went grocery shopping that night.. O___O and I was in bed by 1:30 AM.
Thursday: Thanksgiving! Well, we went for a walk, first, then when we came back around 2:00 we started cooking. Made turkey legs, mashed potatoes, salad, a mushroom stuffing, and cherry-upside-down pudding....which, by the way, is really good. I hope she managed to eat the left overs.. :|
Friday: Shopping! I spent way too much though, :/ especially at Banana Republic. Never going near that store again! baaaaad. and WIIIICKED! :D that was lots of fun, I really liked the show. Galinda was terribly cute, in a terrible, terrible way. :P
Saaturrdayy: Disneyland. I'm not watching, listening to, or experienceing anything Disney for the next year if I can avoid it. Completely Disneyed out. >.< We got back at about 12:30 AM (and had left at about 7:30 AM, got there at about 8:20... that's 15 hours straight of Disneyland... dear god, save me.)
Sunday: Main feature of Sunday was the bus ride from hell. the bus drivers WENT THE WRONG DIRECTION. Exactly the opposite direction they should have been going, really. They got on highway 5 south coming out of Los Angeles..... and we should have been going North. Now, that wouldn't be a terrible problem if it had been corrected quickly. But no. We went for an HOUR, before turning around. I was half asleep and half tripping out on sleep deprivation by about 9:00.... and we finally got back to UCSC around 11:00 (we were supposed to arrive at 9:15.... grrrr).
Really, a good trip overall. (Stupid busses).

These first seven are just pictures from around LA-- mostly from our walk on Thursday morning, around the UCLA campus and such.

(a lot of fire trucks and ambulances were there for some reason.... dunno why)

(from the UCLA Garden Or Whatever They Call It)


Wicker reindeer!

Real reindeer!

Random Disneyland flowers.


(sideways) duck!


The few good shots from the parade:

and now to the fireworks SPECTACULARRRRR! (with really really really cheeeesy music about 'finding the magic within!')

(yes, it got really smoky... >.<)

(I am not-terribly ashamed to admit that by the end of the fireworks show, I was seriously thinking about a V For Vendetta style explosion of the Disneyland castle.. *giggles*)

(They blow down "snow", which is actually just soap foam bubbles. They don't even bother to get an unscented soap..... *growls*)

Random lit-up tree. *shrugs*

Okay, that is seriously, seriously image heavy-- about 90 pictures. Just be forewarned. *nods*

Anyway. I had a good time in LA.

And I'm going home in LESS THAN A WEEK and seeing Joe THREE DAYS LATER zomg *bouncy!*
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