How long have you been together?
A year and two months and a week. About. Give or take half a week.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
9 or 10 months.
Who asked who out?
I said "I think I love you" first, but we couldn't really ask each other out... y'know, the distance and all *pout*
How old are each of you?
He's 21 (a Virgo), I'm 19 (Aquarius).
Do you have any children together?
No, not yet, and definitely not in consideration yet. Maybe when we're comfortably together.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
The fact that we live... erm, some 4600-ish miles apart. Definitely. (I'm in the Rocky Mountains, in the USA-- he's in N. Ireland. yargh).
Did you go to the same school?
No. Most definitely not.
Are you from the same home town?
See above.
Who is the smartest?
Equal, I'd say, though in slightly different ways. I think I'm a bit more focussed, and he's definitely a bit more diverse. I like academics, he doesn't. I like 'hard science' and the 'social sciences' (you know, things with numbers), but he's more into the theoretical/philosophical kind of stuff.
Who is the most sensitive?
He's pricklier and easier to annoy, I'm more easily worried though. Doesn't help that I'm a bit less stable, emotionally, and more prone to hearing denial and dismissal when they aren't there or at least aren't meant.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Hmm. When he was here, we ate at a downtown restaurant/microbrewery called Mountain Sun a couple of times (they had amazing cheesecake, but wouldn't let him order beer, hahahaha-- he didn't have his passport on him, and was only 20 at the time anyway). We also ate fast food rather more than we probably oughta've -- apparently Wendy's is better than Good Times. I happen to disagree (because frozen custard is always win, and soft-serve ice cream sometimes isn't).
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
To each other.
Who has the worst temper?
Anger-wise, he does. Emotionally sensitive wise, me.
Who does the cooking?
He's really good at cooking instant noodles? *sounds hopeful*.... nah, but his mum cooks for him, and I cook for my family.
Who is the neat-freak?
Him, by a long shot.
Who does the laundry?
To each their... mothers? Nah. I do mine, most of the time, mostly because my mum never remembers when she says she'll do it. In fact, I think there's a load in the washer that has been in there since last Saturday. >.<
Who is more social?
Him, most likely. I have fewer but closer friends, though.
Who is the more stubborn?
Him, probably. At least in holding on to grudge-like-things. I might be more stubborn when it comes to getting answers from someone.
Who wakes up earlier?
On days I have school, me. Otherwise, him. He generally sleeps less, but sometimes stays up later after I say goodnight and turn off my lights and sleep.
How do you spend the holidays?
Well, at least we spent the last holiday season together. And hopefully next, too. :)
How long did it take to get serious?
A month or so before we both knew it was serious. About eight more months until either of us said so to anyone, though.
Where was your first date?
The AIRPORT. .... what of it?!
Who’s better with the computer?
He is, with downloading and games. I think I might be, with word processing. He types funny, too! with his two index fingers, but just as fast as I do with all eight + one thumb on space.
Who drives when you are together?
Me. Cuz he's never learned howwwww :P!
I'm doing a project for my Language and Gender class, a mini-fieldwork thing. I'm going to be asking questions of and recording three of my little sister's friends-- they're 13-14 years old. Can anyone think of useful questions to examine their opinions and perceptions of gender? I've thought of questions like, "What kinds of words do you call guys at your school? Are there different words for when you're talking to these boys, or to other girl-friends?" and "What words have you heard boys calling you?" ... that kind of stuff. I'm going to be asking some questions in writing, and some questions verbally (on tape).
Also, no. 2:
Go check this guy out:
Michael Komarck, because his art is way-beyond-seriously envy inducing. Damn people who can paint like that!
Also, no. 3:
This is why one should never (unintentionally) hire a kinky hairdresser cellist guy. (Obviously, it's just a sketch, but I plan on working it in acrylic paint on canvas at some point...... it's a step up, I think, from the last time I drew something with the same idea, which was just a doodle,
back in 2005).
Also, no. 4 (maybe I should give up on the 'also's):
I can haz really awesomely crazy hair in the morning! And my local bus system has some seriously creepy posters. "See all these people? They can hear every word you say." Now they just need an announcer voice to state that over the intercom thing. They also have one with a picture of a seriously freaking out crying guy looking at an empty wallet, with the words "Pay your fare. Or you'll Pay The Price."..... yea.