I'm behind the times. OK, not in the sense that I need my eleven-year-old son to show me how to use the remote--our home network is about as sophisticated as that of your average small business. Given that
reillye and I are both system administrators, home networks are no big deal.
I'm behind the times in blog following.
To wit...
Back in the Good Old Days, say, 8-10 years ago, following blogs was easy. You picked Blogger or LiveJournal based on how many of your friends were already there, and friended away. Those few outliers who were on other sites or blogged via their personal web sites you could link to inside your own blog.
It seems there's been a bit of a diaspora since then. People set up Wordpress blogs on a zillion different sites (or their own). They decide they don't like LJ any more so they go to other sites, many based on LJ's software. They stop blogging and concentrate on writing for
real web sites or do freelance work that could pop up anywhere.
I've been using my iGoogle home page as an RSS reader for a lot of this, but it's getting so that I have too many feeds to monitor--in addition to my LJ friends who have moved on to greener pastures, I've been reading a lot of newer people too.
Then there's the whole matter of identity. "You must be registered to comment." OpenID? Yeah, got that via LJ. Google ID? Check. Facebook ID? Don't want to use that--just because I read something doesn't mean I want to link to it from FB.
What I want is a more streamlined version of my iGoogle page. When I want to read something or someone on an ongoing basis, I'll add it there. When I want to comment, it will already have authenticated me. Ideally, I can comment from where I read it, and not have to go to the originating site.
Can this even be done, or are there too many feeds in too many formats to properly aggregate them?
Twos starting with B:
Twos ending with B:
Easy, huh? The next one will be even easier.