101 things in 1001 days: 86/101

Dec 02, 2015 22:44

8687 // 101

Updates to the list:
12/2/08 Still need to decide the starting date & Ending date, plus add more to the list. I think I counted right. I worked really hard on combining some of them so I can add more. x_x

Red font = To be added to/edited
Strikethrough = Completed
Italics = In progress

1. Draw a simple picture once a day for thirty days. [0/30]
2. Post one finished picture every week on DeviantArt for two months. [0/8]
3. Paint a picture once a month for three months. [0/3]
4. Buy polymer clay and sculpt things.
5. Practice more HTML and build a lasting website.
6. Create a lasting web comic: [ ] Character development [ ] Storyline [ ] Draw 20 comics before uploading.
7. Complete at least five 100 icon challenges of different subjects. [0/5]
8. Turn some of my photos into cards and send them to people.
9. Organize all my photos.

1. Go Camping : [ ] Alone [ ] winter camping alone (or not) [ ]Spring Break
2. Become more involved in animal rescue
3. Volunteer with YFU.
4. Memorize a tarot card a day. [0/]
5. Learn different variations of poker.
6. Create a personal blog (possibly with wordpress)
7. Do a Sudoku once a week for two months. [0/8]
8. Learn how to play my guitar.
9. Become skilled with my Native American Flute

Personal growth
1. Get my drivers license.
2. Learn to do various medical techniques: [ ]Heimlich maneuver [ ]CPR
3. Learn to do basic carpentry.
4. Learn how to do various dances:
5. Learn to skate: [ ] Roller skates [ ]Roller blades [ ]Ice skate
6. Learn how to make 10 different recipes by myself. [0/10]
7. Learn to build a good campfire (in good weather and otherwise.)
8. Learn to make different varieties of a paper airplane.
9. Learn to write with my right hand.

First experiences
1. Go rafting.
2. Play pool.
3. Go skiing.
4. Mosh.
5. Play racquetball.
6. Go to church once.
7. Donate blood more than once.
8. Go to a renaissance festival.
9. Kiss a girl.
10. Eat at 10 restaurants I’ve never been to before. [0/10]
11. Try 10 new foods. [0/10]

1. Practice speech skills and talking to people.
2. Practice being more socially competent: [ ]Practice smiling [ ]Practice speaking up
3. Make three new friends irl. [0/3]
4. Get five new mutual LJ friends I have something in common with. [0/5]
5. Date someone.
6. Get a snail-mail pen pal and actually keep in touch.
7. Write letters to people: [ ]Sakura [ ]Host family

1. Visit Keli in San Fran.
2. Ride the train from La Veta to Alamosa. Or wherever.
3. Spend at least thirty days in Japan.
4. Take a bus to Denver by myself.
5. Go to another anime convention.
6. Go to see another concert: [ ]RHCP
7. Create and maintain an account on couchsurfing.com

Physical Health
1. Lose five pounds: [ ]Once [ ]Twice [ ]And a third time
2. Do 25 sit-ups every morning for a month. [0/30]
3. Floss teeth once every day for a month. [0/30]
4. Get the rest of my wisdom teeth out: [ ]One [ ]Two [ ]Three (may change if more come in ._.)
5. Play DDR once a day for thirty days. [0/30]
6. Lift weights every day for thirty days. [0/30]

Mental Health
1. Face fears (again, maybe):
2. Get rid of one belonging every day for thirty days. [0/30]

1. Fix front teeth. (Childhood+Lemons=Lack of enamel)
2. Get left ear pierced again.
3. Get a tattoo.
4. Get a decent hairstyle.
5. Use contact lens every day for thirty days. [0/30]

Education / Vocabulary
1. Find a long list of good books to tackle.
2. Brush up on basic math skills. Basic geography skills. Science. English. Etc.
3. Memorize all 50 states and US territories.
4. Learn about weather patterns.
5. Have a notebook for unknown words encountered and look them up.
6. Reread books: [ ] LOTR Trilogy
7. Read all of Shakespeare’s plays.
8. Learn more about politics.
9. Learn and memorize a new Japanese word every day for 2 months.
10. Learn and memorize that same Japanese word in German for 2 months, too.
11. Learn sign language.
12. Remake my resume.
13. Study up on different religions: [ ]Read the Bible

1. Watch a TV show I would never have imagined watching, and keep up with it.
2. Watch every season of favorite TV shows: south park [0/12] House [0/?] America’s Next Top Model (yes I’m lame like that xD) [0/11] Star Trek [0/?]
3. Go to see 10 movies in theaters (alone or not.) [0/10]
4. Watch 100 movies I’ve never seen before. [0/100]
5. Play certain video games again and finish them:
6. Subscribe to one magazine I actually read.

Family & pets
1. Brush the cats each once a day for thirty days. [0/30]
2. Brush the dogs each once a day for thirty days. [0/30]
3. Walk dogs once a day for thirty days. [0/30]

1. Put at least 1/3 of paycheck into savings account.
2. Collect all change from purchases to buy things I want: [ ]Wooden pipe
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