Dear Yuletide Author,
Sorry this is a bit late, and thank you so much for signing up! I am generally easy to please, or at least, I hope that I am...
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society -- Pretty sure I'm the only one who requested and offered this, so it's probably not applicable, but just in case (and hell, if you're interested in the subject matter it's a pretty quick read). I suggested a humorous story in which Isola attempts to play matchmaker for Sidney and Booker, because they are both homosexual, the humor being in that this is pretty much the only thing they have in common. But I'd also like to learn more about Booker generally. He's a fairly minor character, but apart from Elizabeth and Remy, he's the one who suffered the most during the war, having been sent to Neuengamme, a horror of which he still cannot speak. I would also welcome platonic friendship fic, whether it's Juliet and Sidney, Juliet and Isola, Sidney and Isola or all three. Or Juliet/Dawsey, raising Kit together. Really, just anything in keeping with the tone of the book, balancing angst and warmth.
A Separate Peace -- As I mentioned, I'd really love it if you could turn the novel on its head and let us hear from Phineas instead of Gene. I really, really see the beginnings of a love that dare not speak its name in their relationship, which they may not, and in fact probably don't, recognize as such just yet, but is there percolating nonetheless. I love how innocent Phineas is at first and how self-deceiving he becomes later; this above all is what I want to see from him as a point of view character. I love unreliable narrators. And as I mentioned, gen is also great. If you're not interested in slash, I would be equally happy with a story focusing on Finny's determination to make himself and the others believe that there is no war, and how lost he feels because no outfit will take him.
This Is Spinal Tap -- Nigel loves David. It's canon! Okay, it isn't officially, but Roger Ebert and David Edelstein of Slate have commented on it, so. Whether it's requited or not is debatable. But this is another fandom that hits my unreliable narration button hard, in that Spinal Tap so rarely, if ever, see the big picture. They are big dumb rock 'n' roll idiots, who arguably do some pretty awful things -- that album cover, anyone? -- but they aren't mean-spirited, they're just clueless, and it's hard not to feel sorry for them even as they pretty much deserve everything that they get. The epic tragicomedy of their whole existence is the one thing I really, above all else, want to see reflected here.
The Sarah Jane Adventures -- I was so excited that this was allowed in this year! Sarah Jane is one of my favorite characters ever, and I love all the kids as well. I'm mainly after gen here, plotty casefic preferably. Dark undertones are fine -- the Trickster is my favorite villain -- but nothing they wouldn't do on the show, and with a happy ending, please. As pairings go, I like Clyde/Rani, so if you want to go in that direction, feel free, but it's not a requirement. I really like where they're at right now (or were at the end of Series 3, as I've not seen Series 4 yet), with the UST only just starting to emerge but nothing actually happening yet. And of course, if you want to bring in a grown-up version of Ace and femslash her with Sarah Jane, I would pretty much die of happiness, but don't worry, I am really not expecting that to happen. I just want the cast to have a fun adventure together. Maybe with a holiday theme, if you're so inclined.
Thank you so much,