Things continue to be somewhat busy these days.
This weekend has quite a bit in store. On Saturday we're going to a soccer game in Dansville to see Jaime's/our nephew Damian play. I hope it doesn't get rained out. After that we might hit the outlet mall in Howell. After that we are having BBQ somethingorother at Chez Howard. Sunday will see us at my parents' house. My brother is in town, so he and Tam will be there. We haven't seen them in a few years now. I guess it has turned into a larger gathering (~12). Sunday evening will be one of two things: Jaime and I both working and/or Joel and Tam coming over for a little S'more action. The latter may not happen depending on how much we both get done before then.
Speaking of work, that has been busy, but generally good. My
little big project (LBP) is going well. It is the reason I'm working this weekend. I need to deploy some code changes right at midnight. I didn't know about them until a couple of days ago or else I would have coded in some time-based switches to make everything work. I still might do that, but even if I do I will likely log in to make sure it worked.
This coming week should be interesting, mostly on Tuesday. For some reason a bunch of stuff is going on that day. First, I have a client meeting where I'm acting as consultant while we try to get some new business. The PM and PM's boss for LBP are coming into town that day. Plus we have a Town Hall (office-wide meeting) that day. I guess a couple of big shots from the Mothership will be in town for that. To top the day off, I've been invited to dinner after work. I originally thought it was going to be purely for LBP members, but I found out that the big shots will be there too. I'm not sure I really belong at a fancy dinner with 2-3 directors, 1-2 VPs, and a pseudo-president (not sure the official title). I am excited to go to the restaurant because I never would have shelled out the money to go there on my own. It is called Ocean Prime and is right near Sommerset, for those that know what that is.
Wednesday is my day off. I'm trading in some of the OT I put in for LBP to take a comp day. I'll be seeing the new Star Trek with my brother, dad, and uncle (Mike). I'm only half interested to see the movie, but it should be fun.
In sadder news, I found out that my neighbor, Tom, has terminal cancer. We thought that something was going on with all the visitors lately and not seeing Tom out and about. He usually takes out the trash, gets the mail, etc. Last night I went out to cut the grass after dinner because of this weekend's activities and rain forecasts. Tom and Diane were on their back porch so I walked over. Tom seems to be in pretty good spirits. He said he's not in any pain and they already have hospice care arranged to do pain management. He's always a jokester and generally has an "aw, fuck it" attitude. Diane seems to be having a rougher time with it, but is holding up, at least in front of others. I told them to call or come over if they want anything. They're good peeps. I hope he sticks around as long as possible and as long as he wants to (based on quality of life). When he's gone, who's going to cut my lawn when I'm not able? (kidding, of course)
Edit: It looks like I don't have to stay up late on Sunday. Apparently some people had a different definition of "midnight". When someone says "5/18 at midnight" that can mean the minute after 5/17 @ 23:59:59 or it can mean when 5/18 ends. Technically the latter is incorrect, at least from a programmer's point of view. 5/18 @ 00:00 is midnight. Anyway, I'm really glad I asked and specifically pointed out my interpretation. The response was "(G)o with midnight Monday night for emails to arrive in boxes Tuesday am." I still need to do some work this weekend, but not into the wee hours on a school night.