How alike are we?

Dec 04, 2005 14:25

Quiz for you all, cause we all love quizzes. The name of this quiz could be 'what do I like/ what do you like?' The first question you have to say what you think _I_ would answer, then the second one you answer for yourself. So copy & paste, then delete the inaccurate.

1a Ed wanted to be Luke Skywalker / Han Solo

1b I would rather be Luke Skywalker / Han Solo

2a Ed likes stripes more than dots / dots more than stripes

2b I like stripes more than dots / dots more than stripes

3a Ed likes black ink more than blue ink / blue ink more than black ink

3b I like black ink more than blue ink / blue ink more than black ink

6a Ed likes kidnappers more than assassins / assassins more than kidnappers

6b I like kidnappers more than assassins/ assassins more than kidnappers

7a Ed wanted to survive a plane crash more than a train crash / survive a train crash more than a plane crash

7b I want to survive a plane crash more than a train crash / survivie a train crash more than a plane crash

8a Ed wanted to be Peter Venkman more than Raymond Stanz / Raymond Stantz more than Peter Venkman

8b I wanted to be Peter Venkman more than Raymond Stantz / Raymond Stantz more than Peter Venkman

9a Ed likes Sirius more than Lupin / Lupin more than Sirius

9b I like Sirius more than Lupin / Lupin more than Sirius

10a Ed is more scared of ghosts than demons / demons than ghosts

10b I am more scared of ghosts than demons / demons than ghosts
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