has replied to my mail regarding sending over the community's collation of get-well messages.
Email #1 from Arsenal FC General email
Email #2 from Lynne Chaney, Players' Mail Administrator
There's no confirmation that our community's collation of get-well messages (refer to post before this) will be forwarded to Eduardo BUT the good is, there wasn't anything that says it won't be send out at all!
In fact, to support that strongly, Lynne mentioned that the email I sent initially, asking if I could forward them our community's collation of well-wishes, was forwarded to Eduardo and I'm sure if we were to send our collation, it will definitely reach Eduardo!
I hope this motivate all of you enough to add in your messages
here. At the moment, we only have 4 and I ask for more of you to participate! Thank you so very much.
Like what Lynne's said,
Eduardo has received many kind messages of support and best wishes all of which he truly appreciates and all these messages have given him great comfort and this difficult time.
So, can you imagine how much more this will do to his confidence and recovery time? Doesn't really matter if is collecting too. We can do it in our ways too and the more Eduardo receives, the better it does to him!
So, please, do add in your messages