I like the change you made to this version it has a touch of martyrdom which mixes well with the pain and numbness of the song. I'd like to see you do another version that's takes it a step further away from the lyrics. Maybe something that leads into renewal and rebirth of the pain "If I could start again" or even something deeper more tortured but keeps the essence of the piece. Possibly a haiku? Well maybe not that far....
Comments 4
I want to post more but there are only so many things you can write about being numb before it becomes boring.
Your LJ friends need to post more, and the ones that do need to wine less ;)
I'd like to see you do another version that's takes it a step further away from the lyrics. Maybe something that leads into renewal and rebirth of the pain "If I could start again" or even something deeper more tortured but keeps the essence of the piece. Possibly a haiku? Well maybe not that far....
The only thing that I feel
The pain of myself
Starting again, all alone
I have mad haiku skilz \m/
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