Have a great day my livejournal friends, after 3 days off, I'm back to work for the next 3 days 12 hour shift. I work in labor and delivery and the last days I worked were busy.Please give me some fanfiction for relaxation when I get home.
The count down to the second half of season one for Stargate Universe is getting shorter and I am excited. How will Dr. Rush return to the Destiny ,the trailer does not show much. Doctor Who will begin for the fifth season and without David Tennant I'm not sure how that will go.
I just bought Casanova, O!M!G! David Tennant was awesome! Playing the younger version of Peter O"Toole's senior role was outstanding. What a combination. I will truly miss Tennant's role in Doctor Who. He gave the Doctor a personality that won't be reprised by any other.