Monthly catchup

Nov 26, 2012 10:50

I have been reading everyone's posts, just not commenting as much as I probably should. I am absolutely thinking about all of you, though ( Read more... )

lasik, tatting, 2012, dublin

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Comments 15

isis_newton November 26 2012, 13:05:30 UTC
Oooh. LASIK. I'd be interested in hearing more about how you found the procedure. It's something I've considered on and off for years now. A guy I work with had it done last year and RAVES about how awesome it was.


eefster November 26 2012, 13:58:59 UTC
Having been through it now, for comfort on the day I would recommend getting both done as close together as possible, OR getting them done on separate days so that you can basically go home and sleep immediately. The first eye was very comfortable, though it took a few attempts to get the vacuum in the right spot. Yes, there's noticeable pressure as the machine goes on, but that was it. It's weird, not painful ( ... )


eefster November 26 2012, 14:29:42 UTC
Oh and I should point out that the hardest thing for me at the moment is not rubbing my eyes, particularly when I'm tired or want to clear them. Luckily I think you're allowed to start again after the first week, though you're still supposed to be careful.


after_nightfall November 26 2012, 13:31:44 UTC
Tatting? Wowza. That shows some serious patience and dexterity on your part!

Hope LASIK turns out even better than the rave reviews. :-)


eefster November 26 2012, 14:02:56 UTC
Well, let's wait and see if I manage to finish anything first! Hahah

I had been thinking of making up a few items maybe for Dub's fundraiser, if I can get some skill together by then. There are some interesting patterns for jewelry and bookmarks and such that I thought people might pay for. Otherwise I just have books, since I don't think I could ship any foodstuffs and I don't have a lot else to offer that I can think of. Although maybe I should just take some time off work and whip up one of these.


after_nightfall November 26 2012, 14:47:26 UTC
Oooh, that would go perfectly with my manskin footrest! Every man-hating member of militant feminist militia should have one!

(Shh - I can do cross-stitch too. Maybe we should start a mass production.)


eefster November 26 2012, 15:00:28 UTC
Perfect! I know there are a few other similar patterns available out there. And we can offer needlework, crewel, hardanger, chickenscratch, appliqued, and/or quilted varieties! "Gender is a social construct", "If I can bake a cake, I can make a bomb", "Eve was framed", and of course the simplicity of "Feminist killjoy". So many options.


misunderstruck November 26 2012, 14:20:27 UTC
Took up tatting yesterday, which is great for being fiddly with my hands

I misread this and thought you said you took up tattooing yesterday, which I suppose would also keep your hands occupied.


eefster November 26 2012, 14:22:48 UTC
I could be the Celia Giménez of tattooing!


regina_of_york November 26 2012, 14:31:37 UTC
Glad things are going well with you, always good to get an update!

And, to touch on your final point, it better not be years until we get to see you again!


yagathai November 26 2012, 15:40:39 UTC


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