Not much to say.
I'm going through the CE manuscript for FALL WITH HONOR, so I'm feeling dyspeptic and depressed. I'm sure I'll get the same complaints that Valentine doesn't fight enough Reapers. But honestly, we've seen him do that. It's like watching Superman lift a bus to save people. Do you get breathlessly excited after that, wondering if he can lift a train? What about a plane? Supertanker? You don't think he can lift a supertanker, do you? Oh my god! He did it, he really lifted that supertanker and saved those people! Without it even buckling at the fulcrum!!
Not my forte.
Novels are such Frankenstein creations.
You imagine this:
But you end up with this:
And it's lurching around after you for the rest of your life groaning "Father!" Though sometimes, through its very ugliness, the nice bits become all the sweeter.
No, not offering to trade places with anyone.
The ice storm isn't so bad in Chicago. Temp is such that it's more of a cold rain that's turning to ice only here and there where the wind can bring its influence to bear. The trees in front of the condo aren't weighed down at all yet. We'll see what happens tonight.