BigEeks88: thunder! lightning!
ask jeezus: god is angry?
BigEeks88: i'd be more likely to think that i did something to make him take favor on me.
ask jeezus: your ears being pounded and getting wet is your idea of approval?
BigEeks88: yes?
ask jeezus: well dammit what are you sitting inside for then?!
ask jeezus: go out and soak in the approval of the Lord!
BigEeks88: *grumble* group project *grumble*
ask jeezus: so you're saying God approves of your group project?
BigEeks88: hrm.
BigEeks88: or, he's trying to tempt me away
ask jeezus: no no
ask jeezus: that would be Satan
ask jeezus: let's not confuse the two here
BigEeks88: God does the temptation thing, too, yeah?
BigEeks88: "Go up on the hill and sacrifice your son," etc.
ask jeezus: I thought God delegated though
BigEeks88: God's middle management?
ask jeezus: but what do I know, I haven't talked to God for years
ask jeezus: God should have an Apprentice show
ask jeezus: nationwide search for his middle management
BigEeks88: hehe.
BigEeks88: and when god tells you that you're fired...
ask jeezus: pssshhh
ask jeezus: no biggie
ask jeezus: just try the other guy
BigEeks88: heh. competitive deism
ask jeezus: oh no no! you blasphemy!
ask jeezus: er... -mize
ask jeezus: since when was Satan a deity!?
BigEeks88: isn't he?
ask jeezus: I'm worried about your eternal soul, my child!
BigEeks88: i mean, certainly a demigod at the least!
ask jeezus: hrrrph
ask jeezus: yeah, tell that to a christian and see what happens
*At this point, thunder booms through the heavens - literally*
ask jeezus: see, right then, God said NO!
ask jeezus: NO SATAN IS NOOOOOT!
ask jeezus: ...
BigEeks88: whoa
BigEeks88: apparently, i was wrong
ask jeezus: wow. that was DECISIVE
BigEeks88: i take it back
ask jeezus: hahahahahaaa
BigEeks88: satan - just sort of a mean dude
ask jeezus: yeah, I bet that's what it says in the Bible
Just thought i'd share...