So, watched the new teaser for X-Men 3...
As far as costuming, which is really all you can get from the teaser (well, that's not true. you can get confirmation of the shitty leaked script...), it's really...well, i was disappointed.
Angel wasn't bad, but looks pretty CGI -
Beast was really what i was looking forward to. I'm really not sure how they could have pulled it off, and not looked ridiculous, but...i'm going to go with "not this way."
It's not terrible, and it does seem to look better in action. When he's just standing there, though, i can't stop thinking that he looks like an old He-Man action figure...
And, of course, there's Juggernaut. He's a huge, lunking behemoth. He can take on the Hulk, depending on who you asked. His damn Sirname is "the Unstoppable." I've circled him in this picture to help you pick him out of the crowd.
So, yeah. Bleh. At least they kill Storm. Oh, wait, they don't!
oh, there's also me.
So there.