1) Name: Katie
2) Age: 15
3) Location: VEGAS
4) ED: ed-nos (but not one of the hideously fat ones)
5) Height: 5'7"
6) Weight: right now.. it is exactly 104.5
7) Lowest weight: 102 (at this height)
8) Highest weight: 115
9) Short term goal weight: 100- 95
10) Long term goal weight: 90....85...80....75.... etc.
1) Thinspiration: i wonder... the mirror? or maybe looking down at my thighs?
2) Workout: pilates
3) Weight loss drug:
4) Quote:
5) Music:
6) Movies:
7) TV:
8) Books:
In Depth
1) Describe your personality in ten words.
2) What really pisses you off about ED-related communities? Why?
3) What do you want to see and not see happen at this community?
1) Go advertise this community in at least one other journal or community. Prove you did this by giving me the link to your post(s) here.