I'm still
loving the Faery's Oracle. I've been doing a reading every day, asking what I would benefit from looking for or thinking about each day.
Today I tried something a little different. I've been having some health problems the last couple weeks, so I asked what I could do to be healed of these problems. I fanned the cards out and was drawn to pull three. I laid them out, side by side, face down, and found myself thinking that they were body/mind/soul. I got the following cards:
Mikle a' Muckle"Lighten up! What is needed here is the benefit of a childlike, trusting heart and childlike wisdom, seeing directly to the true nature of things. Don't complicate matters. What you see is what you get. Don't look for hidden and subtle meanings and motivations because they are not there in this case. Go to the heart of the matter, the simple core hidden behind complexities. Don't be so caught in thinking about the future that you can't see what is happening now. Welcome adventure into your life. Try something you've never done before. And take some time to play with Mikle before you turn into a grumpy glumph or a worn-out wurg."
The Faery Godmother"Sairie offers last-minute rescues. When she turns up in our readings, good things may well be happening that we don't think we deserve--or that we do deserve but haven't thought to ask for. Almost imperceptibly she teaches us about giving and receiving unconditionally, helping us to open our hearts to love and acceptance. She sometimes showers us with abundance. Keep an eye out for unexpected good fortune, especially when you thought you saw bad luck headed your way. Remember to say thank you by passing a kindness on to someone else. Practice a little faery godmothering yourself and see how enjoyable it is. Part of the fun of it is to do it so that the recipient doesn't know where the gift came from."
Ilbe the Retriever "Ilbe is trying to remind you of something you've lost--a hope, perhaps, or a dream. You may have thought it gone forever, but he is holding it out to you for reconsideration. He thinks you can do something with it now. The way may not be obvious, but his clever nose has scented a path, a potential opening for bringing this into your life. Sometimes, Ilbe may be saying that a long-awaited dream is at last arriving on the scene and there is nothing we need to do but open our hearts and minds to it. However, we usually have to work for it. Another attribute of Ilbe is loyalty." (The book also says that Ilbe often hides things when we're being disorganized as a way to encourage us to get our act together and organize things.)
The cards really struck me - they're beautiful, of course - but the faeries and the positions really lined up. The message I got, very strongly, is that I need to lighten up on myself and be a bit more playful; that I should be more organized about taking care of my body and not give up hope; and that my soul's needs will be filled as a gift (my instinct says that my GodSoul is helping with this; that seems likely, as my morning GodSoul Listening has been particularly fruitful of late).
I feel very lucky, in spite of all my health problems. I have an excellent medical team working on me, I can afford their help, and I still have time to pursue spiritual growth. Even more wonderful, I am starting to get messages very clearly through the Faery's Oracle. I'm still enough of a skeptic to be reluctant to say the faeries are talking to me, mind you. But whatever it is, it's lovely. I am blessed.