
Sep 25, 2013 02:11

Iyo iyo last week before the mid semester break! Yaaay! But yes, it's gonna be a hectic week.

Today was surprisingly good. I skipped TimeOut lunch session with my church mates because i just wanted to sleep late and wake up late. And I wanted more time for myself before the group meeting at 2.30pm. All these schedules aside, I finally got my poster design assignment result back. My friend received hers first and it was a C+. The moment I got mine back I was horrified. "My goodness, how bad could my work be? A D-?" was all I could think of. Friend said "ok what" and I was quite shock when she said that since I thought she got a better result than me. Took me at least a minute to realise D meant Distinction. How could I have said "I want to kill our tutor too". When he gave me a D-.

Frankly speaking, on Monday I got really discouraged when 11 students' works were selected by the producer of an upcoming movie. Other students who worked for students' films and other movies wouldn't bother because they didn't do that project, but I did, and it got me bad, worse to see a friend of mine being one of the selected designs, which I feel that it was a standard I could do too. Can't be helped, since we had different tutors, and mine gave us so much restrictions like "do not use copyrighted images", that it felt impossible to do well. Still glad I got a D-. :)

After that I headed to Woolie's and to my surprise I managed to have a short chat with the cashier, who couldn't wait for the shift to end and have tacos for dinner. Hahaha... I'm glad I asked "how are you?" back.

And yes. Busy busy busy. Tomorrow I have a presentation early in the morning. I really hope it'll be fine. I'm not afraid about my content but afraid of the technical faults or PowerPoint can't be read and whatever crap that might spoil the whole experience. I pray for success. Right after there's the documentary shoot, which I'm also praying for a smooth flow and we'd not need to take up too much time.

Thursday's practically the only day left to finish my essay due on Friday, which is a huge problem because I've got Life Group and I'm in charge of desserts this week. Sigh pie. At the most I'd ask my good friend to purchase and bring it there for me.

Friday Friday exciting Friday! Up till now I'm super ashamed of myself. I was supposed to attend the scholarship morning tea that was on 12 September, a Thursday, but because there was a typo and my mind was already set on 14th September instead, I missed the whole session and went to school dressed really neatly, for nothing. Met up with my friend who stays in campus, and walked to her smiling sheepishly as I sent her a message saying how embarrassing this was. Sent the person in charge an apology email, and was set up for another session to have the certificate presented to me and have a chat with the professor, and also, the unescapable photoshoot. Somehow I find their sincerity 100% more than I expected, because I never thought they would go thru all these for a mere scholarship applicant, what's more giving me 3 dates and timings to choose from to meet with the professor. How honoured can I feel?

After which would be my tute and end the day with the Mid Autumn Festival celebrations. This week is full of entertainment, and I'm not finished yet!

Saturday, a day to spend with the girls from church group. Gonna go Mt Cootha! Been wanting to hike up for the view, and my wish has come true. Thank God for that. That day's the last day of the Brisbane festival as well, so the river fire's not to be missed.

Sunday's church day. Yes. The only day to rest after church and pack my bags in prep for my road trip with friends!!! 3 days 2 nights to Byron Bay and Lake Moogerah. I don't know but this particular group has already gone to Lake Moogerah but are going there again for it's spectacular night view. How blessed because I've never been there and I'd love to take night shots when i get there. I see myself packing more gear than clothes. Lol.

A few weeks back I felt depressed because most of my cliques have been to the Lonepine koala reserve, and I was one of those who haven't been there but wanna go there but no one to go with, and finally my wish came true. QUT Japan organised it!

I just felt like writing this before I sleep because I feel really thankful for everything that has been happening in my life, and I want to remember these grateful emotions flowing through me. Even though there are times of loneliness, God would put one or two friends from SG to suddenly whatsapp me and ask how I'm doing.

Scheduled to return in November, I asked my churchmate's uncle if it was alright to change to a little later date, he immediately said ok and changed the date, AND the class, from economy to business. IT'S MY FREAKING FIRST TIME TAKING A BUSINESS FLIGHT AND I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. I know he's a very generous person but I always assumed there would be limits. Doesn't seem so for this caring and generous uncle. Funny how they say "neighbours are better than blood relatives who live far away".

All these blessings aside, I just want to share about something that happened yesterday. My friend and I were heading back to the library to do our assignment after dinner, and on the way back she started asking about Christianity and all the contradicting acts of Christians. Even she, as a free thinker, know that if you claim to be a Christian, then all the more you should at least attend church, but why aren't people doing so, yet they continue to say that they are Christians? That led to many other parts of the conversation, and I explained as much as I could to my knowledge and all I wanted to do was to portray the most objective way as possible, that she could see that hey, Christians aren't so bad after all. There are many conflicting incidents that have been happening recently, but I told her that even though this is happening, and I don't agree with it, all of us are still humans, which also means we too make mistakes, and that we cannot judge. She gave me that accepting look and it felt as if she had seen a new light.

I always told myself I'm not evangelistic at all, but somehow when friends ask me about Christ, I would be so happy and eager to clear their doubts and answer their questions. I'm sure God was definitely using me for these instances.

Sorry for such a long entry. I'll try to update when all these things are done. Can't wait for my adventure to start!

via ljapp

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