well yesterday i sure did buy a digital camera. and its really cool and makes me really happy. right after buying the camera i went and met ali
and amanda
at the chinese place in preakness.
after that we went to ali's house and played with mel
then amanda went home for dinner and jeremy walked over and then read the yearbook
and laid around
then amanda came back and we all went to blockbuster. me and ali showed amanda and jeremy the extreme similarity between ali and ghost world girl
however we ended up getting darkness falls. i was kinda scared during some parts, because well i am a big loser. and let me tell you if the tooth fairy does look like that i never want to lose another tooth ever. not that i will. but you know. the movie was good. it ended, and then we watched the monkees. muy bien. me and amanda left. i got home and showed off my camera to my grandfather, grandmother, and their dog.
i also showed them the shirt ali and amanda got me because they're cool.
i then went to bed, kinda. i actually read for a while and then at 2 30 woke again because i thought i was going to vom. not cool. then at 7 45 this morning i awoke to get ready for the parade and got all excited because it looked like this
outside. however, i was still required to be at school at 8:45, and so i went. got credit for being there, found out the parade was canceled. went to breakfast with janelle, her mom, dea, julie, and aimee. now i am here, and should do history hw. fam is coming over around 3. umm mom said friends could come if they so desire? so call and let me know if you are interested.
the end.