Title: Chicken Impossible
Pairing: Onew/Jessica, Onchicken!
Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama, Crack
# of words: 1709
Notes: It's obvious I have problems because now, I wrote a fic about a girl getting jealous over a chicken. Enjoy this very much crack fic.
Jessica makes Jinki choose over her and chicken. )
Comments 4
Thanks for writing. :)
You're welcome.
the title cracks me up. really.
never though that Sica would be the kind that jealous of... chicken? ^^
When you decide who you love more between chicken and me, you can come back. The last part sounds so wrong.
It is. But we're talking about Jinki, right?
Jessica is whimpering in Taeyeon’s arms, punching the green shaped-like a tofu pillow Jinki gave her on her birthday last April.
i bet she's having a hard time telling the differences between Jinki and that pillow <3
“I’m willing to give up anything for you. Even chicken or my singing career. I want to be with you. You’re the only one that satisfies me. Please get back with me?”
This is why I'm so in love with Onsica. they're always sweet. XD
Too much sweetness <3. I'm going to have diabetes anyday now. and i'll blame you for it.
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