Title: Push and Pull
Pairing: Minho/Krystal, Jessica
Genre: Romance, Angst (?)
# of words: 573
Summary: Krystal tries to hide her relationship with Minho from her sister Jessica, who strongly defies it. (Meh, suck at summaries).
It’s funny how Krystal thinks she doesn’t know anything about what’s happening between her and the boy. Because the truth is, Jessica knows far more than just Krystal and Minho using Taemin and Sulli to pass secret notes to each other or the fact that she has been hearing the seventeen year old gush on the phone every other night. No, she knows more than that, she has seen the two on a date one time.
It was mostly accidental actually. Tiffany, Yuri and she were just passing a café on their way home after shopping for clothes when they had a day off and Tiffany pointed out the couple randomly, both dressed in black shirts and jeans, standing beside each other on the shop counter, holding hands. Normally, she’s not the first to notice side profiles but when she did realize that it was her little sister (she can recognize that head anywhere), she almost threw into fits. Luckily for them, Yuri and Tiffany calmed her down, saying it was way too dangerous to pose a scandal out in the open. They managed to get her home without breaking into wild hysterics.
Jessica just can’t believe it. Her sister- her baby sister was with a guy! She wasn’t even of age for Christ’s sake (not in Korea anyway)! She doesn’t know what she was dealing with. Wasn’t she thinking that her career, study and more importantly, teenage years were at stake? How can she concentrate and juggle all three things if her focus was on one unimportant thing? Don’t get her wrong, she likes Minho. He was a gentleman and his ways with the girls (noonas or dongsaengs) were admirable. He knew what respect was and respect he gave a lot to girls. He was a nice boy but Jessica cannot imagine him with her sister. Not now. Not ever.
“Why can’t you just accept that Krystal is finally a full bloomed woman?” Yuri jokes her a week later when she was almost forgetting about the incident. Jessica rolls her eyes and shoots her a glare for the tease. The other smiles, almost sympathetically. “You have to let it go, Jessica. Not all boys are like that fucker bastard.” She winks at her. “Maybe Minho will treat Krystal properly.”
“He better.” She muttered under her breath and it takes another week for her to disregard whatever heavy feeling there was forming on her chest.
“Minho oppa, what’re you doing! Unnie will see us!” Krystal shrieks as the taller one tugs her wrist, pulling her somewhere on a dark corner, checking his surroundings to see if someone had seen them together, but to his dismay ease, everyone was too busy preparing for the next recording that would start in less than three minutes. “Do you want to get killed?”
At her words, Minho faces her, a crook forming on his thin lips. It was almost cynical and the younger one was sure it had something behind it. Something she does know but hates to admit. He pushes her slightly against the wall, cornering her face with his slender arms and whispers, “You don’t like it?”
Shaking her head shyly, Krystal prepares herself as Minho inches closer to her until she could feel his minty breath and she closes her eyes when his lips are pressed on to hers. She’s not concerned anymore if her sister finds out. To hell with her, she thinks.